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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Grimm Fairy Tales Free Essays
string(115) as well as can be expected and not to let the maltreatment her stepmother and stepsisters put on her hauling her down (Holler). Unknown Disneyfied Fairy Tales Everybody knows how Cinderella discovered her glass shoe in the wake of moving at the ball. Snow White and Sleeping Beauty were awoken by obvious loves kiss and lived cheerfully ever after. The Little Mermaid ached to live on shore to be with that one uncommon individual. We will compose a custom article test on Grimm Fairy Tales or then again any comparative theme just for you Request Now What individuals don’t know is that the stories aren't right. Grimm Fairy stories are the first fantasies going back to early Germany. Disney took the fantasies and put their own turn on them to be all the more speaking to youngsters. The inception of the fantasies cast an enormous shadow over the new â€Å"Disneyfied†stories with significant changes, contrasts, and a condition that started from the switch just as up ascends among women's activists in the network. The Grimm Brothers were German teachers who became celebrated for distributing great fantasies and through their work in semantics. Etymology identifies with how the sound in words move after some time through interpretations, explicitly identifying with how interpretations of stories were changed due to the exchanging between dialects (Grimm Fairy Tales). Before being educators and checking out phonetics, it was a disaster that initially carried them to finding the fantasies. Without the catastrophe, who knows whether the fantasies would associate with today? The Grimm Brothers became keen on the fantasies after their dad kicked the bucket out of the blue and the family developed poor (Brothers Grimm). The Brothers later met an insightful man that carried them to a library loaded up with old books containing two or three stories (Brothers Grimm). The fire proceeded as they read the stories and developed a greater amount of an intrigue. They began to tune in to people’s most loved stories so as to hear vocal examples and keeping in mind that doing this; it helped them to record the stories that would be later distributed (Grimm’s Fairy Tales). By understanding the etymology behind narrating they had the option to see how the bits of the story fit together as most ideal as. The Grimm Brothers were resolved to safeguard the genuine Germanic folktales as they were, in any case, when notoriety spread among them, pieces in the story began changing (Brothers Grimm). Initially, the fantasies were intended to be told at pit fires and in bars as amusement to grown-ups, not basically to kids like it is these days (Layt). Throughout the years, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm started an assortment of the fantasies in the 1800’s that resembled the past European ages horrifying and pitiless (Brothers Grimm). By investing energy in the library for some time, the siblings premium prospered and they authoritatively assembled all the fantasies in one major book that they named their own (Brothers Grimm). They started their own assortment of books with stories and folktales, letting them know for the most part to ladies (Brothers Grimm). Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm tracked the stories and distributed them authoritatively in 1812 called â€Å"Children’s and Household Tales†, with a subsequent release in 1814 (Hunt). Over the different new versions to the assortments, the Brothers because of word articulation, modified the books just as changing potential ramifications of sex, pregnancy and guardians changed minor subtleties (The Brothers Grimm). In the Grimm siblings first book, it contained 86 folktales and was well known and extremely fruitful (â€Å"Grimm†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). In the following volume, â€Å"Grimm’s Fairy Tales†, 70 additional accounts were included (â€Å"Grimm†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). After 6 releases, the book contained more than 200 stories (â€Å"Grimm†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). The Brothers difficult work and commitment over the span of making the books prompted it being one of the most notable works of German writing ever (â€Å"Grimm†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). The timeframe in which the books were composed reflects Germany’s condition of being in numerous little Germanic people group. Fantasies takes puts in Kingdoms, much like the little networks found in Germany at that point (The Brothers Grimm). This additionally means that modifications between stories because of the reality there was no unification and as the story experienced the grapevine, making it was simple for things to get switched or stirred up. The fantasies show life exercises about outsiders, trust, and watching what you wish for and carry’s on to be the establishment for mainstream fantasies today (The Brothers Grimm). All through the accounts, injurious guardians, bothered ladies, and valor are the structure obstructs for most exemplary Disney motion pictures (The Brothers Grimm). It wasn’t until the nineteenth and twentieth hundreds of years that unique fantasies turned out to be more engaged towards youngsters as opposed to grown-ups (source). As the center moved and things got changed from history, Disney makers expected that by just indicating understandings of Grimm Fairy Tales, it can make individuals dismiss what the real fantasies were (Brothers Grimm). In spite of the fact that things were changed after some time, nothing can detract from the narratives center, spreading them around the globe in excess of 160 dialects (Brothers Grimm). As time went on, different editors changed things also. They got gentler and better, spreading ethical quality, in contrast to their unique relatives from the Germanic folktales (Brothers Grimm). The Grimm Tales show irate, wild brutes in dull backwoods. Disney shows a gentler side by making all creatures quite possibly changing the mind-set to loathsomeness if totally important for the most limited measure of time conceivable (Disneyfication). American makers currently feel that fantasies must end with a cheerful closure, destroying the message that was planned to be sent by unique fantasies (Teramis). Cutting edge creators take the narratives and add new diversion to detract from the â€Å"scariness†of the story (Berner). New endings give remarkable turns that were adjusted to make an alternate rendition found in Disney fantasies (Berner). Everyone knows the narrative of the excellent young lady, Cinderella and how she was spared from her unpleasant life from an attractive ruler and carted away into the dusk to live cheerfully ever after. Notwithstanding, that’s the way that Disney depicts however Grimm’s fantasies has a smidgen of an alternate view towards it. In the first Cinderella, it is her mother’s words on her bedside before she kicks the bucket that pushed Cinderella to be as well as can be expected and not to let the maltreatment her stepmother and stepsisters put on her hauling her down (Holler). You read Grimm Fairy Tales in class Papers In the film by Disney, he genuine mother isn’t even referenced which leaves an opening in the story that might be befuddling from the start. Following quite a while of slaving ceaselessly for her stepmother and stepsisters, the greeting for the Prince’s ball comes in and they all get ready to go. A slight change between the film and the fantasies was that it wasn’t only a one-day ball that occurred, however a 3-day celebration (Taylor). The Prince would search for Cinderella and would just hit the dance floor with her, turning down some other offers given to him (Taylor). On the third night, she rushed home since her stepsisters and stepmother was getting back home, not on the grounds that the enchantment in her dress was wearing off (Taylor). Alluding to the enchantment found in the film, in the fantasy itself there is very enchantment present at all or even pixie adoptive parent. In spite of the fact that she exists in the film and gives Cinderella her wonderful dress and pumpkin mentor, she doesn't exist (Taylor). In the first story, feathered creatures carry a gold dress with gold shoes fixed with glossy silk for her to wear (Taylor). Not exclusively is the Godmother made up, yet the depiction of the shoes and blue dress was deluding in the film also (Taylor). In another variant of the story, the interpretation between dialects may have stirred up the shoe significantly more. The French words â€Å"verre†and â€Å"vair†sound amazingly close implying that it is unsure in the event that she had a hide shoe, a glass shoe, or like found in another interpretation, a brilliant shoe (Layt). While at the ball, it gives her abandoning her shoe coincidentally, notwithstanding, in the Grimm form, the ruler persuades her to desert her shoe with the goal that he may go get her after the ball (Aschenputtel). In the film, when the Prince goes to discover Cinderella to take a stab at the shoe, he experiences her stepsisters who attempt to pack their feet into the shoes to demonstrate that it was them he was hitting the dance floor with. In Grimm’s fantasies, the stepsisters have a go at removing their toes and heels from requests of their stepmother so the Prince may take them home (Layt). After the sisters power their feet to fit into the shoe, the ruler trusted them until he saw the blood originating from the shoe (Taylor). For a ruler who appeared to be so infatuated with Cinderella, it shows Grimm’s clouded side considering he couldn’t differentiate between the ladies and exclusively depended on the way that the shoe fit. The ruler didn’t acknowledge it was Cinderella immediately like in the film. Because of the stepmothers and stepsisters endeavor to deceive the ruler, the flying creatures who carried her dress to her pecked the eyes out of them for their mischievousness indicating the unforgiving Germanic stories that gave impeccable detail (Layt). After they get their eyes pecked out, they live as visually impaired hobos for the remainder of their lives with a messed up bond among Cinderella and her fortunes (Differences†¦). Cinderella lives joyfully ever after, be that as it may, the stepmother and stepsisters don’t live luckily like what is appeared in the film with no cash, no house, and no toes. Snow White is an adored exemplary from Disney that shows a delightful young lady who discovers a curious little house in the forested areas and lives
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Journal Of Logistics Research Applications -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Examine About The Journal Of Logistics Research Applications? Answer: Presentation Business the board is the demonstration of planning, actualizing and assessing cross-useful choices, which empowers an association towards accomplishing long haul authoritative goals (Blackburn et al., 2013). The investigation will depict Woolworths of Australia, which will go into new transportation and capacity business segment. This examination will inspect and assess business level systems, worldwide and global procedures and authoritative structure and techniques for the new SBU of Woolworths. Aside from that, the examination will likewise propose some fitting suggestions towards picking up the accomplishment of new transportation and capacity specialty unit of Woolworths. Foundation Woolworths is the biggest general store chain in Australia. The main store of Woolworths was really settled in 1924. The retail mammoth Woolworths is really working in excess of 995 full size grocery store across Australia. The association is for the most part represented considerable authority in staple goods, yet it likewise sells DVDs, magazines, wellbeing and magnificence items, fixed things, pet and child items and others ( 2017). The association has likewise in excess of 111000 workers. Woolworths works both in residential just as worldwide advertising. The association additionally has online conveyance framework towards upgraded client comfort. Aside from general store chains, 1000 stores and 19 comfort stores of Woolworths additionally convey the equivalent authoritative logo. Woolworths represent 80% of the Australian market ( 2017). Among the food retailers, the Woolworths of Australia holds 43% piece of the overall industry in Australia. Figure 1: Food Market Share of Woolworths (Source: 2017) Examination of Possible Strategies As per Klettner et al., (2014), business-level techniques characterize the arrangement of incorporated and facilitated exercises, which are utilized by an association towards making upper hand through misusing its center skills. Then again, Bentley et al., (2013) opined that the reason for business-level systems is proposed to make contrasts between the situation of an association and its rivals for increasing serious edge. Subsequently the business level systems for the new SBU of Woolworths can best be proposed through Porters Generic methodology. Doormen Generic Model proposes for three kinds of business level procedures to associations towards increasing upper hand and market engaging quality over the adversaries. Along these lines, Woolworth can utilize following three kinds of business level techniques through Porters Generic model for increasing upper hand in transportation and capacity industry. Cost Leadership Strategy Martinez-Simarro et al., (2015) called attention to that cost authority technique recommends for being minimal effort maker in the business for a particular degree of value. Then again, Chen and Jermias, (2014) opined that cost authority technique encourages an association towards selling their items and merchandise at low costs to the clients having being minimal effort maker in showcase. While considering the transportation and capacity specialty unit of Woolworths, the association should utilize cost initiative methodology for its administrations. Besides, the association should offer low costs to the clients for their transportation and capacity administrations like UPS, DHL and others. Such low cost of administrations would help the association in increasing upper hand and expanded piece of the overall industry over the adversaries through beating the cost war. Separation Strategy According to Kellermanns et al., (2014), separation methodology recommends for joining novel quality the items and administrations of an association, which can give remarkable incentive to the clients. Such one of a kind client esteem drives the clients to see the items and administrations to be one of a kind over the contenders. Then again, Li and Tan, (2013) opined that one of a kind characteristics additionally permit an association to charge premium costs for some one of a kind items and administrations. Along these lines, Woolworths ought to embrace separation system for their new transportation and capacity administrations for making one of a kind client esteem. In addition, the association ought to give particular transportation administrations to the clients. The association ought to consistently convey the products of the customer convenient to their ideal spot. Besides, the vehicles utilized in the transportation ought to consistently offer continuous types of assistance wi th no vehicle advancement in the streets. Woolworth ought to likewise have huge armada power unit, which will incorporate air-ride and lift door vehicle for guarantee solid and steady transportation administrations. In the event of capacity benefits, the association ought to consistently give experienced pressing team to moving the products of the customers in the capacity. Center Strategy As per Jayaram et al., (2014) center technique thinks around limited client section and increasing upper hand inside that fragment through either cost authority or serious methodology. Narrowing down the client fragment helps an association towards give extraordinary client through focusing explicitly on those clients. In the event of transportation and capacity unit of Woolworth, the association should think of business customers. Inside this section, the association ought to give one of a kind incentive to the clients extreme offer special types of assistance. It will help the association in better increasing upper hand inside restricted client portion however profoundly concentrating on their requirements. Figure 1: Business-Level Strategies (Source: Ghosal, 2015) Worldwide Strategies and the Multinational Corporation Worldwide methodologies are for the most part received by Multinational Corporations through which the associations need to make serious situation in worldwide or global market. While considering the new transportation and capacity specialty unit of Woolworths, it can follow the accompanying the worldwide techniques of vital administration for making serious market in global premise. Global Strategy Dahlberg et al., (2016) opined that global procedure recommends an associations towards utilizing the locally situated center abilities in the worldwide market. Also, the associations offer same kinds of items and administrations both in household just as universal market. Then again, Ibrahim, (2015) opined that the rationale behind global procedure is that the affirmed serious edge of household items and administrations will likewise make serious edge in worldwide market. Along these lines, Woolworths can utilize same kinds of transportation and capacity administrations both in household just as universal market for reliably keeping up upper hand in worldwide market. Confinement or Multi-residential Strategy As indicated by Ghezzi, (2013), confinement procedure proposes for amplifying the neighborhood responsiveness of the items and administrations through multi-household technique. Besides, multi-household system forfeits the proficiency for underscoring nearby responsiveness of the items and administrations in each market. Then again, Ryu et al., (2015) opined that confinement methodology make the local items and administrations increasingly recognizable to the universal clients. In addition, such technique encourages in making seriousness in worldwide market, while worldwide customers see the association to be household association. If there should be an occurrence of Woolworths, the association ought to adjust their transportation and capacity administration with the nearby prerequisites of universal markets. Besides, the association can start redid item contributions in the worldwide market for making worldwide upper hand. Worldwide Standardization Alsudiri et al., (2013) worldwide normalization methodology focuses on expanding the benefit development of an association through procuring the cost decreases, which originate from area financial aspects, economies of scale and learning impacts. The objective of the technique is to seek after a minimal effort system on worldwide scale, which can encourage the associations in cultivating upper hand with cost administration procedure. While considering the transportation and capacity specialty unit of Woolworths, the association can recruit work, vehicles, mechanical help and different business types of gear from the nations, where it can profit them at low costs. It will help the association is diminishing generally authoritative expense and improve economies of scale towards upgrading hierarchical benefit. Transnational Strategy Transnational technique picks blend of confinement methodology and worldwide normalization system. Additionally, Eaton and Kilby, (2015) opined that transnational system proposes for both picking up economies of scale and improving nearby responsiveness in worldwide market. In the event of new specialty unit of Woolworths, the association should both diminish in general hierarchical expense just as upgrade neighborhood responsiveness in the worldwide market for increasing significant level of upper hand in worldwide market. Figure 2: Global Strategy (Source: Vlachos, 2016) Authoritative Structure and Strategy Authoritative structure characterizes the exercises like undertaking allotment, coordination and oversight, which are really coordinated towards accomplishing hierarchical objectives. Thom and Medeiros, (2016) called attention to that Organizations must cling to proficient, creative, adaptable and thinking about accomplishing reasonable upper hand. Similarly, Woolworths ought to likewise be exceptionally cognizant about surrounding powerful authoritative structure towards accomplishing feasible upper hand. The accompanying parts of hierarchical structure ought to be trailed by Woolworths for their getting accomplishment in new transportation and capacity business. Level Organizational Structure As indicated by vrov
The Character of Okonkwo in Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart Essay
The Character of Okonkwo in Things Fall Apart What makes an effective man? This, in itself, is a culture bound question since it can change from culture to culture. In any case, in the view of Okonkwo, the fundamental character in Chinua Achebe's tale, Things Fall Separated, the proportion of a man's prosperity depends on two components, material securing and development, and physical ability. This is unexpected for Okonkwo since his kin's commonplace thought of accomplishment is by all accounts developed of a complex, solid otherworldly culture, apparently ready to bargain in conventional ways with any challenge in nature and human experience. (Ravenscroft 9) Although Okonkwo is without a doubt a significant individual from Umuofian culture, he is certifiably not an average agent of that society. (Taiwo 115) It is this fundamental division between Okonkwo and his own way of life that legitimately lead to the heartbreaking fall of Okonkwo, also, extreme disrespect. I feel that it is critical to note as of now that Things Fall Apart is a catastrophe, and Okonkwo is a heartbreaking legend. For TFA to be a catastrophe, it must follow the accompanying example... A catastrophe .. is the impersonation of an activity that is erious, has extent, and is finished in itself; in language with pleasurable embellishments, every sort acquired independently in the different pieces of the work; in an emotional, not in a story structure; with episodes stirring compassion and dread, wherewith to achieve it purgation of such feelings Aristotle, Poetics Okonkwo is an appalling saint since he is better than the normal individuals of the clan, Okonkwo was notable all through the nine manor... ...up consummately in the last lines of the book at the point when a whole culture, the entirety of its oral conventions, customs, services, lives, the very quintessence of the Ibo individuals justified a sensible passage in the white man's book, The Pacification of the Primitive Tribes of the Lower Niger. Reference index Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann Instructive Publishers, 1986. Aristotle. Aristotle: The Poetics. The Longinus: On the Sublime. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1960. Ravenscroft, A. Chinua Achebe. Extraordinary Britain: Longmans, Green and CO LTD, 1969. Serumaga, Robert. A Mirror of Integration. Protest and Conflict in African Writing (1969) 76 Taiwo, Oladele. Culture and the Nigerian Novel. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1976.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Suicide Essay -- essays research papers
Self destruction The characteristic finish of each human life is demise. A few people, for reasons that have never been completely comprehended, decide to take their own lives. This is called self destruction, which implies actually "self-killing." For all the vulnerability that has encircled the marvel of self destruction, his evaluation of the issue is presumably as exact as any. The person, in apparently sad clash with the world, chooses to end their reality in what adds up to a last attack against a general public that can never again be endured. In this manner, the individual attempts to get a last retribution on everything and everybody that have caused their sentiments of misery. Here and there self destruction has been utilized as a type of execution. Maybe the most renowned such case is that of the logician Socrates, who was required to drink hemlock to take his life in 399 BC, in the wake of being seen as liable of debasing the youth of Athens. In the twentieth century the German general Erwin Rommel took poison instead of be executed for his job in a plot to expel Adolf Hitler from office. In certain social orders self destruction has had social ties. In Japan, for instance, the customs and rules of one's group have requested self destruction under certain conditions. Called seppuku or prevalently known as hara-kiri, which implies "self-disembowelment" it has for quite some time been seen as a decent technique for taking one's life. It was utilized by warriors in the wake of losing a fight to dodge the shame of annihilation. Seppuku was additionally utilized as a methods for c...
Friday, August 14, 2020
9 Tips to Reduce Employee Theft
9 Tips to Reduce Employee Theft © | BoBaa22You probably don’t know it yet, but one or more of your employees may be stealing from you.I know what you are thinking: You are a nice person who pays them their dues in full and on time. They certainly must be feeling indebted to you because you are such a nice person.Sorry to disappoint you, but that’s not the case. This employee may not show it, but he thinks that you are kind of a jerk. He feels overworked and underpaid. He can also swear that you don’t treat him with as the respect as he deserves. He believes that the only way of getting back at you is stealing small unnoticeable items.Don’t believe the smiles. You have a problem.Employees and workers are deemed to be the most important assets of any company or organization. You may have machines and equipment for the manufacturing processes in your company, but at the end of the day, these machines and equipment will not run or function without human input. Most companies these days greatly rely on systems for much of their operations, but you can’t deny the fact that systems are created by people, ran by people, and also maintained by people. That’s why it is safe to say that companies cannot exist, much less succeed without their employees.Unfortunately, this will also tend to pull the blinds on the eyes of your company’s management. Your recognition of the importance and contributions of your employees tends to make you lenient and, often, deliberately oblivious to employees’ bad behavior.However, there are certain lines that must not be crossed. When your employees’ actions have direct negative effects on your company’s profitability, management has to pay attention and act accordingly. If, for example, a tiff between two employees is starting to cause discomfort in the workplace, there is a need to step in and fix things. If productivity is clearly suffering due to improper behavior and actions, corrective steps must be taken before things get worse.D isagreements, conflicts, and lack of motivation are some of the things that can easily be addressed by you as a manager using a heart-to-heart talk or a series of counseling sessions. But what if the problem is something so grave that it constitutes an actual crime? Like “employee theftâ€, for instance?SOME HARD TRUTHS ABOUT EMPLOYEE THEFTJust as the phrase implies, employee theft refers to the act of stealing or pilfering by an employee in the workplace. But before we can delve fully into the concept of employee theft, here are some hard and dirty truths about employee theft that will drive home exactly how serious a problem it is.For starters, according to the 2015 report of the Global Retail Theft Barometer, United States retailers clock in losses amounting to around $42 billion in a year, losses that can be blamed primarily on shoplifting and vanishing merchandise due to dishonest employees or, to be more precise, employee theft. Of that total amount, 43% or a little more tha n $18 billion can be traced to employee theft.If you ask the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, you’ll be surprised to learn that the annual losses due to employee dishonesty and employee theft averages $50 billion. And this is something that can happen to practically any company â€" no matter the size or industry. Other statistics include:75% of all employees commit theft at least once and that’s not the scariest bit about it. The sad bit is that half of them (or 37.5% of all employees) make a habit of it.One out of every three businesses that fail can directly trace the result of the failure to employee theft. This is because it is among the big reasons for the business to incur losses and eventually causing it to close shop.75% of all employee-related crimes go unnoticed and, therefore, unpunished. The dishonest employees end up getting away with the crime. That means that only one out of every four crimes is discovered.The American Society of Employers, on the other hand, has its own statistics to share. Here are some of them.There is a great deal of awareness among employees that theft is taking place among their ranks. In fact, it is estimated that 20% of employees are aware of employee theft happening right under their noses. Now whether they are doing something about it or not is something that we can’t be entirely sure of.More than half of the employees committing theft are holding supervisory positions. 55% of confirmed employees stealing from their employers are managers.It takes employers an average of 18 months or a year and a half to apprehend a dishonest employee. That is quite a long time, allowing the employee to amass large amounts. Worst case scenario: by the time the fraud scheme or thievery is discovered, it would have already been too late, as the dishonest employee may have already resigned from the company, taking his loot along with him, with no hope of the stolen assets being recovered in full.These findings somehow agree with the genera lizations that can be made from the results of the 28th Annual Theft Survey conducted by Jack L. Hayes International for 2015. Some highlights of the Survey are:There was a 1% increase in apprehensions of dishonest employees, with 75,947 employees apprehended in 2015. One can easily make a loose connection between the number of apprehensions and the rate of employee thefts. The mere fact that there was a rise in the number of dishonest employees that were caught, is already a cause for alarm, since it may also indicate a corresponding increase in the rate and frequency of employee theft being committed.In a study involving close to 3 million employees, it turned out that one out of every 38 employees was apprehended or caught by the employer in the act of stealing employer or company property. Now think about a medium to large company, with hundreds or even thousands of employees. This statistic just increased the likelihood of bigger companies having more thieves among their employ ees and that means more loses from employee theft.In 2015 alone, the amount recovered from the apprehended employees amounted to a little over $55 million. Worse, this is even under the assumption that not all properties or assets stolen by the apprehended employees were recovered. Now compare that with the annual loss of $42 billion, and we’re talking about a recoverable amount that less than 0.2%.WHAT IS EMPLOYEE THEFT?Now let us head straight to the core of this discussion, which is Employee Theft.Any stealing, abuse or misuse of the assets of an employer or business by an employee for personal reasons is “employee theftâ€. We’re not just talking about the employee you’ve assigned to the cash till or cash register pocketing some cash at the end of the day, because employee theft pretty much covers the theft of assets, not just monetary assets.Cash or money. This is the most obvious and most common asset stolen by employees. In fact, when we hear about stealing or theft, we’ll immediately think of someone grabbing someone else’s cash or money.Supplies and properties. Bringing home reams of stationery paper or boxes of pens from the supplies inventory at the office qualifies as employee theft. The same is true when an employee decides to take an office computer or laptop home and claim it as his own, without permission or an intention of bringing it back.Merchandise or Goods. If you have ever run a retail company, you must have experienced this. It involves merchandise or goods vanishing, thanks to employees’ quick hands.The object of thieving by employees is not limited to tangible items, since there are also assets of an intangible nature that can also be stolen from your company.Time. Time is one of the most important resources in business, your employees are being paid for every second of their time at work. Therefore, we can comfortably conclude that any minute at the workplace that is spent doing something else other than the employee’s actual job constitutes employee theft. This is on the premise that that employee is being paid for his time, but he is not putting in the work he is supposed to.Data or information. Some industries deal with information of such a sensitive nature that divulging them to external interested parties could mean actually earning money from it. Company secrets, trade secrets and product designs are some of the types of information that is often stolen by employees, and sold to external parties.In one of the statistics presented earlier, we saw that more than half of the perpetrators of employee theft are composed of managers. However, all employees are actually capable of committing theft, regardless of their position in the structure or hierarchy, especially if you take in consideration the wide variety of assets that can be stolen.But why do employees commit theft in the companies they work at? Why do they decide to bite the hand that feeds them?To answer that question, we can look to the theory developed by criminologist Donald R. Cressey, which he called the “Fraud Triangleâ€.According to the Fraud Triangle, there are three factors that influence or push an employee to commit occupational fraud or, in this specific discussion, employee theft. All three elements must be present.Pressure, from a financial need that can’t be sharedOpportunity, or a perceived opening to commit fraudRationalization of the crime of fraudIt is simple enough. Your employees will feel pressure arising from financial constraints, where they find themselves in need of money, and there are no other sources they can turn to. Maybe a sudden family emergency calls for a large amount of cash immediately, and at that moment in time, no cash is available. If the employee is unable to take out a loan, not even a personal loan from friends or other co-workers, then the pressure can lead to unorthodox ideas.This pressure will lead them to look for other possible sources, and the moment they sp ot a weakness in the company’s internal controls, or there is an oversight on the part of management in some areas regarding protection, maintenance and custodianship of assets, they are bound to spot an opportunity. Managers or those in positions with considerable authority definitely have greater opportunities to commit employee theft, which explains the statistic about managers being more prone to committing the act.The third element entails the employee rationalizing the criminal act of stealing, reconciling the behavior and justifying his actions. He will find ways to make stealing all right. Some employees justify stealing by saying that it is a matter of life and death. If they did not steal, their loved one would have died or their family would have fallen to ruin. Or it could be in the form of pinning the blame on someone else, most likely someone at work. He could say that he would not have stolen if the company paid him enough, or if the supervisor granted his applicati on for a loan.Out of the three elements of fraud, the one that the organization has the most control over is on opportunity, which explains why most anti-employee theft efforts are directed towards decreasing the likelihood of these opportunities cropping up. TYPES OF EMPLOYEE THEFTAgain, employee theft can be more than the act of physically taking cash out of the cash register or supplies and merchandise from the shelves. Briefly, let us go over the most common and frequently committed types or methods of theft used by employees.LarcenyThis is when your employee unlawfully takes the asset or property from your premises with no intention of ever bringing it back. The best example would be that of a stock clerk of a convenience store pocketing part the day’s collections from the cash register at the end of his shift, or a maintenance person sneaking out the backdoor of the office building with a box filled with cleaning materials that he plans to sell or bring home for personal use .EmbezzlementMany tend to confuse embezzlement with larceny, and they wouldn’t be wrong, since the concept is pretty much the same. The difference lies in the employee committing theft. It is considered embezzlement if the employee stealing is someone who is in the position of having legal access to the assets that he is stealing. It is embezzlement if the convenience store cashier is the one who steals the money from the cash register.It is larceny if the stock clerk, tasked with keeping the shelves well and fully stocked. A cleaner, who is in a position of trust when it comes to cleaning supplies and materials, is committing larceny if he’s the one to steal the money. If it is the maintenance man, who is primarily tasked with plumbing and wiring duties, it is larceny.SkimmingSome crimes of employee theft are done off-the-books, and they are termed as skimming. Usually, this type of theft is committed by employees who have custody of cash, and the method of stealing is done thr ough timing intervals.For example, a cashier, debt collector or bank teller can commit skimming by taking the cash even before it has been recorded in the company’s books. This makes the theft much harder to detect since the employee pretty much intercepted the cash before it can get to the company.For example, your cashier can take the payment from the customer and immediately pocket it, without recording it in the cash register. This means there won’t be a receipt or any document as proof of the transaction, and the cashier can keep the money to himself.Fraudulent DisbursementsThis type of employee theft has a lot more impact than the previous two, primarily because it is a crime committed by an employee working around the existing system of the company. It is a given that this theft is committed by one who is knowledgeable about the ins and outs of the system and can manipulate data to suit his purposes.An employee can do this through check tampering, or using company checks to pay themselves fraudulently. It often involves forgery of the signature of persons authorized to make and process check payments. Or they can set up fake accounts as vendors and bill the company to pay those accounts for nonexistent deliveries.It can be more elaborate, though, with employees using payroll and expense reimbursement schemes. These are the scenarios that involve the so-called “ghost employeesâ€, or when the employee seeks reimbursement from the company for expenses that were not actually incurred.Stealing Business Ideas, Information, and OpportunitiesThis is probably the heaviest among the different types of employee theft since they often involve ideas and information of high value. For example, an employee of a company may resign his current position and transfer to the competitor, providing them with vital information from his old employer.It is even worse if the employee remains employed in the company and actually sells confidential information and secrets t o the competition.TIPS TO REDUCE EMPLOYEE THEFTEmployee theft is rising, but that does not mean that you are completely helpless against it. There are actions that you can take to ensure that incidences of employee theft are minimized, and the amount of damage it causes is also kept at a minimum. Here are 9 tips for employers that are seeking to reduce employee theft.Hire the right people, so weed out the rotten apples from the beginning.Here’s a reality check for you: no matter how much you claim to be careful in the selection of your employees, the possibility that they will eventually commit theft once they are employed in the company is still present. In fact, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce study claims that majority of the employees who commit theft are first-time offenders.Still, it is encouraged that you weed out the bad apples from the beginning, as much as you can. Here are some things you can do to accomplish that:Do a thorough background-check. It is not enough to rely en tirely on the qualifications and credentials of the candidate. You should also perform a background check. This is to discover information about the candidate that is not presented in his resume. Running a background check will allow a glimpse of his previous behavior, which you can use as an indicator of future behavior, especially when he is employed in your company.Perform a drug test on all potential candidates. If possible, do the drug tests on your own dime. There are far too many diagnostic and drug testing centers that may issue results that can be easily manipulated by the candidate. Usually, addiction can be a potential precursor to the commission of theft and other crimes.Review the organizational structure.Are you giving too much power and authority to one manager? Is there a system of check and balance when it comes to authorization and implementation of transactions and activities?All positions must have accountabilities. Similarly, no position should be too powerful t o make all the decisions alone. Give a manager too much power and he will be drunk with it, basking in it and eventually end up abusing it. The next thing you know, he has embezzled much of the company’s cash and you are left in regrets.Nurture a good employer-employee relationship.Some employees who committed theft say that they stole because they felt no remorse stealing from an employer who did not seem to care about their well-being. In fact, they even felt justified stealing something from an employer who does not even seem to know much about them.As a human being, it is proper human decency to get to know people you will be working with. As an employer, it is a good business practice to nurture a healthy and good relationship with the people working for the company, mainly to ensure productivity.Employees are less likely to steal from an employer that they respect because he showed interest in them as human beings and as contributing members of the organization. If you are f ree you’re your employees, it will also give you more opportunities to show empathy if they are having financial difficulties, and you have the chance to even help them look for solutions that will dissuade them from stealing. A good relationship will keep everyone happy, and keep any thoughts of theft at bay.Do not leave your employees alone.Usually, employee theft is committed by a lone person. Left alone, with no other eyes on him, he is bound to be tempted to steal. After all, no one else is there to catch him, or to rat him out to the bosses.Do not give employees the opportunity to commit theft by leaving them to their own devices. Sure, you may think this is a show of your faith in his capabilities, but it is also a come-on for the employee to steal.Encourage the buddy system. Let employees work in pairs, at least. This will limit the opportunity for one of them to commit theft. A cashier being the sole employee during the night shift at a convenience store is bound to steal if there’s no one else with him. Assign another store clerk to be on the same shift as the cashier.Encourage a culture of teamwork. The buddy system is not entirely fool-proof, however, since there is a risk that the two will be in cahoots and actually conspire to commit theft together. An alternative is to encourage employees working in a team. There will be more people working in close proximity with each other, so there are more eyes to consider when contemplating stealing.Practice job or task rotation. Familiarity can easily breed a criminal act or something to that effect. You see, if two employees have been assigned as a pair or work buddies for a long time, they’re bound to have formed a bond or relationship that will likely lead to them working together to commit theft. To avoid this, rotate the employees who are paired together every once in a while.Pull the Big Brother act on your employees.If employees know that they are being watched by the bosses, they are less lik ely to steal anything. Setting up CCTV systems or similar surveillance systems around the workplace, or in key areas where there are assets that may be stolen, is a good idea. It will cost money, yes, but it is also a good investment in the long run. Not only will it protect the company’s assets, but it will also ensure that employees are kept on the straight and narrow. It is also a good security practice against outsider attacks.Of course, make sure that your surveillance systems are not accessible by just anybody. Security systems must be under the control of only a select few: you, key members of top management, and core security officers. This is to avoid possible tampering of dishonest employees of the surveillance system long enough to allow them to commit the act and get away with it.If your budget is limited, there’s an affordable solution. Performing your supervision functions â€" and encouraging all other supervisors to do their jobs properly â€" is already one way to keep employees in line. It is a fact that employees with less supervision are more inclined to go astray. Supervise them well, and they will be more respectful and loyal. Loyal employees rarely, if ever, steal from the one they are loyal to.Maintain tight physical control and security over assets and properties.If only you can keep everything under lock and key, then there would be no problem. However, you cannot do that with the machines and supplies and other materials used in the normal course of operations. Will you want to keep large production machines in storage at the end of every work day, only to bring them out first thing the next day, and set them up all over again? That will be very tedious and will also be costly.You can, however, ensure that the areas where these assets or properties are located are secured and protected. Factories must be locked up tight at the end of the day. Depending on the nature of the business and the assets, there may also be assigned securit y personnel specifically tasked to make sure no one steals or tampers with them.Close monitoring is also a must. When packing up goods for shipping or delivery to customers, make sure the proper checks are in place to see to it that the amount ordered is actually what will go out of the warehouse. In some cases, employees may also steal by using the company’s trash collection system. This is why some companies make trash removal monitoring as another physical control.Here’s one thing you should definitely take into consideration: set up a dedicated security system for employee theft. You may already have a security system to avoid retail theft or shoplifting in your physical stores. But that’s a different type of theft altogether, so you cannot expect it to work the same way when you’re dealing with employee theft.Get all employees involved by empowering them.Even with a security team in place, or even a state-of-the-art electronics or computer system, a company can still be vulnerable to employee theft. After all, do not forget that the ones running these systems are the employees themselves.Sometimes, employers may feel overwhelmed with the task of policing the company. He cannot do it alone. He will need help. Well, he should ask for it, then.Setting up a hotline or a similar reporting facility where employees can give information on any suspicious movements or actions implying a potential for theft will definitely help. There is nothing wrong with turning your employees into watchdogs. Worried that they might hesitate about ratting out on their co-workers? Make it an anonymous reporting facility and reward any useful hints. This is another way of keeping a watchful eye on employees, but this time, through the eyes of other employees. Knowing that there are other people watching will surely discourage an employee from committing theft.Keep employees informed about the company’s policies on theft. This way, they cannot plead ignorance in the event that they are caught red-handed. Let them know the sanctions that will be made when they are apprehended and caught. If they are made aware, they will be discouraged to risk stealing anything from you. Show them how deeply committed the company is in preventing losses, particularly due to employee theft. Make it clear to them about the steps that will be taken to deal with such cases.Maintain good internal controls and audit policies.Good business practices dictate that every company must have internal control over inventory and other assets, not just physical control. Documentation must be clear and accurate so that no employee can easily manipulate them to commit theft.Usually internal controls focus on three things: separation of duties, access control and authorization control. Separation of duties refers to avoiding redundancy of job functions. Only authorized employees should have access to physical and financial assets. Do not make everything accessible to everyone. Only allo w a few individuals and they should be personally responsible for all authorizations made. Otherwise, they will be tempted to steal. Finally, there should be clear-cut policies on the initiation, recording and review of financial transactions, and these policies must be implemented to the letter.Performing informal audits and random inventory counts are only two of the many activities that can be performed to enforce good internal control. Overall, implementing an effective internal control and accounting system takes the company a step closer to reducing the risks of employee theft.Lead by example.Creating a positive working environment is something that employers should do in general, not necessarily to prevent theft. If you as the employer can demonstrate that you are not the type to commit theft, then they will follow your example and stay away from that path. Don’t take shortcuts just because you can. Your employees are learning from you.Unfortunately for businesses everywher e, there is no sure-fire one-pill-cures-all solution for the reduction or prevention of employee theft. In fact, you’re probably wondering why we are aiming for its reduction instead of outright elimination. That’s because completely eradicating it from a business or organizational culture is close to impossible.Of course, we are all hopeful that the time will come when employee theft will no longer take place. But let’s be realistic here. If that does happen, then it won’t be in the next several years. Until then, the best thing that businesses and employers can do the world over is to keep these employee thefts under control, and keep the related losses at a minimum. Before long, and with efficient tracking, it will be a thing of the past.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Metamorphic Rock Examples
Metamorphic Rock Examples Metamorphic Rock Most people probably don't think of rocks undergoing changes or growing, but one of the three main categories of rocks explains that phenomenon. Called metamorphic rocks, this type of rock occurs when existing rocks are subjected to extreme heat, intense pressure, or in some cases, both. Metamorphic rocks are those that started out as either sedimentary, igneous, or as other, older metamorphic rocks, then underwent a chemical or physical change due to the conditions around them. How hot does it have to get? Usually, metamorphic rock arises from temperature conditions of higher and 200 degrees Celsius. In order for pressure to affect rock, it usually requires at least 1,500 bars of pressure. Metamorphic rock is usually formed from being deep below the surface of the Earth where temperatures are at their hottest, or by being a part of a tectonic event like an earthquake whose heat and friction cause the rock to change. Magma can also have an impact on metamorphic rock due to its high temperature. The Earth's crust contains a lot of metamorphic rock, and these rocks are actually very important to geologists who study the Earth's layers. They're categorized by texture, chemical composition, and by the minerals that are present, and they can give geologists a clear picture of the different cataclysmic events that led to their formation. Due to erosion and a process called uplift, metamorphic rock can be exposed and allow scientists to determine how the rocks were formed and what was happening on the Earth at that time. Examples of Metamorphic Rock: 1. Quartzite Quartzite is formed when grains of quartz sand melt together under high heat and extreme pressure. While most quartzite is white or gray, if the sand contained iron oxides, then the quartzite formed can be a nice shade of soft pink or rose. The resulting rock is very hard and very uniform in its texture. 2. Marble Marble is a metamorphic rock that is formed when limestone or dolomite is exposed to the right heat and pressure conditions. While limestone is mostly calcium based, dolomite is rich in magnesium. Marble has a uniform texture when it forms, and is sought after as a building material for its strength, its beautiful striations and colors, and its sheen when polished. Interestingly, marble will produce a fizz when it comes in contact with acid, such as household vinegar. 3. Shale Shale is the parent rock, or protolith, that can produce several different types of metamorphic rock, depending on the heat and pressure conditions it is exposed to. These types include slate, schist, phyllite, or gneiss, and of these four, slate is the least metamorphosed form. That means slate has a smooth texture and a dark gray, uniform color; it tends to split rather easily on a parallel grain to produce fairly uniform pieces, making it well-suited for building materials since it can be easily cut to fit.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
We Can, But Dare We - 1409 Words
We Can, But Dare We? The rapid development of technology throughout modern society has initiated the widespread use of social networking. Social networking plays a positive role in healthcare when educating, communicating, or advertising. However, poor judgments have the power to turn this positive into negative and damage professional reputations. Griffith (2014) stresses the importance of understanding that protected health information is not a matter of open secrets. Whether a lawyer, doctor, nurse, or a secretary, it is important to avoid conditions that may influence the health and security of patients or clients, as well as their own professional reputation (Aylott, 2011). The Purpose of this paper is to explore the appropriate use of cell phones and social networking in healthcare and the importance of understanding the ethical boundaries between professional uses opposed to personal use. Scenario Conclusion Selected The nurse in this scenario missed the concert she was eager to go because she had to work. Instead of providing focused care for her ill patients, she was fixated on her friends, who texting her from the concert. After realizing her newly admitted patient turned out to be the lead singer in the concert she missed, she failed to listen to the patient status report and neglected providing the care he needed. The nurse violated the patient’s privacy by taking inappropriate pictures of him while he was unconscious. She spent her day off bragging on herShow MoreRelatedWe Can, But Dare We?1018 Words  | 5 PagesWe Can, but Dare We? Social websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the use of smartphones have quickly integrated themselves into our everyday lifestyle. With the constant advancement of technology, it is no surprise that this trend has affected not only the personal lives of user s but also their work environment as well. 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