Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Where to Find Samples of Personal Essay for College Application

Where to Find Samples of Personal Essay for College Application It's possible to access the writer who's writing your essay directly so which you can make any correction. Today's tips concentrate on the personal essay. Bridget's essay is quite strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. Stephen's essay is quite effective. Possessing good essay examples provides the reader an in-depth and on-the-court idea about what a well structured and coherent essay appears like. Before you even begin writing the content of your college essay, there are a few essay writing basic guide that you always need to bear in mind. All you have to do is specify if you want your essay to be delivered. A good example essay will ensure it is feasible to analyze essay structure and outlines along with writing and reference stylethere are certain things which make a persuasive essay. Besides the things you should always remember, in addition, there are some things which you shouldn't do when creating the content of your college essay. At times, the best method to learn and understand new information is via seeing and understanding work which is already completed. Finally, the very best topics are ones that make it possible for you to explain something surprising about yourself. The very first time you do personal OKRs is o nly to learn what you would like from them, and what keeps you from accomplishing the things you prefer to accomplish. One of the most difficult elements of college life is finances. Regardless of what college you want to enroll at, you will have to compose an admission essay. You may also speak about how you might respond differently later on. Expert suggestions to boost your college writing. At length, the detail of real speech makes the scene pop. By learning how to take things apart and critique, you will also learn to compose the statements better. The personal statement is your very best opportunity to showcase your writing, so spend the opportunity to craft a piece you're really pleased with. A wonderful personal statement is similar to an intriguing snapshot, not a rushed movie. Inside my experience, the very best essays take on an extremely strong voice that talk to a specific individual. Since the principal point of the essay is to give schools a feeling of who you are, you've got to open up enough to allow them to see your personality. For a beginning, the typical application essay topics need you to use language that's absolutely free from language flaws and grammatical mistakes. Bear in mind, an admission essay sample may be good way to find out more about the writing procedure and understand the task better. Writing the college application essay can be among the most daunting pieces of applying to college. Failing is simple, and encouraged. More frequently than not, deadlines for submitting applications are almost always short which makes many possible applicants worry they will not have the capability to submit their sample essay for MBA application in time. Just because you've already written a college essay for a single university doesn't mean that it may also apply on your next applications. Colleges wish to see what you're interested in and how you intend to work towards your aims. Thus, State University isn't only the ideal location for me, it is the sole spot for me. Upcoming college students might also be requested to compose a college essay for a portion of their first requirements. If you don't, it's possible to actually hurt your odds of admission. It is crucial to capture the interest of the admission tutors no matter how strict they may appear to be. Since there's a pool of applicants competing for limited chances in a specific college or school, it's important for a student to use every opportunity they must compose the very best essay. Moreover, thousands of high school seniors all over the country have begun the practice of filling out college applications. Application writing isn't the close of the world and you' ll be able to prepare for it. EssayEdge is the top application essay editing service on earth. Our service will take your suggestions into consideration, focus on your feedback, meet all of the minute details. If you'd like assistance with your application documents, we are the perfect individuals to help you.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Mexican Revolution Essay example - 722 Words

The Mexican Revolution The prevailing concern of the Mexican revolution was the welfare of the common Mexican worker, be he a farm worker on a Southern hacienda, or a rancher in the North. The presidents of Mexico, starting most notably with Benito Juà ¡rez, really incited the revolution, though laterthe main course of protest and turmoil focused on the presidents themselves. Dà ­az served as Mexican president until 1910. During his time in office, the Mexican economy and lifestyle were fairly successful; Mexico had good trade relations with the U.S. and other countries, and the wealthy landowners were making a sizeable profit. However, the huge population of laborers who worked to produce that success were suffering bitterly. Mexico†¦show more content†¦Madero finally met with Zapata, but he was not well received. The Southern general felt that Maderos effort seemed patronizing, underhanded, and far too late in its political timing. Meanwhile, in the North of Mexico, Francisco Pancho Villa was assembling cattle workers whose job welfare was at stake. He also opposed Madero, claiming that the president was not attentive to the needs of the Northern people, most of whom depended on the cattle industry for employment. Victoriano Huerta overthrew Madero in 1913, and spread his own powerful influence throughout the country by way of the tyrannical Federales. Once again, fighting resumed on the domestic front between rich and poor as Villa, Zapata, and Obregà ³n (another agriculturalist fighter, employed under Carranza) lead the peasants into battle against the affluent minority. What is curious to note is that the main bulk of the revolution centered around the interests of the common worker; it was a revolution deeply rooted in the age-old class struggle. This particular revolution occurred not long after Marx and Engels issued their COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, which outlines the rights and abuses suffered by the working classes. The campesinos (peasants) were fighting against the wealthy land owners, who, at the time, controlled the means of production. This was a very Marxist revolution. In the end, Carranza defeated Villas forces and assumed control of the country. He issued a final constitution in 1917,Show MoreRelatedThe Mexican Revolution1019 Words   |  5 PagesMexico’s Revolution Ariel Elias HIST 112 Proffesor Cummings 17 February 2013 Ariel Elias Professor Cummings Hist 112 17 February 2013 Mexico’s Revolution Many nations across time and the world have experienced a revolution. From the American revolution to the French revolution, history has proven conflict can engage a nation at any moment. Tanter explains that two possible scenarios, changesRead MoreThe Mexican Revolution1259 Words   |  6 PagesThe Mexican Revolution began November 20th, 1910. It is disputable that it extended up to two decades and seized more than 900,000 lives. This revolution, however, also ended dictatorship in Mexico and restored the rights of farm workers, or peons, and its citizens. Revolutions are often started because a large group of individuals want to see a change. These beings decided to be the change that they wanted to see and risked many things, including their lives. Francisco â€Å"Pancho† Villa and EmilianoRead MoreMexican Revolution1018 Words   |  5 PagesAssignment 1: Major Causes of the revolution in Mexico. Based on John Tutino, From Insurrection to Revolution in Mexico The Mexican Revolution (1910-1917) was caused by a variety of factors. It is impossible to place the blame on one single event or person because of the complexity of the Mexican people. One thing is for sure, if people are deprived of food and water, they will find a way to obtain enough to survive. History proves that in desperate times people will take matters into theirRead MoreMexican Women in Mexican Revolution736 Words   |  3 Pagesartists, he has an understanding of what it takes to collaborate and implement programs successfully. For which he profoundly displayed in this production. He and the actresses do an impeccable acuratcy in dipicting diversity during the Mexican Revolution. The acting was like a welcoming zepher of wind during any season. Powerful, yet comforting. Humiliating, yet humbling. I felt as though I were reliving the engagments in each act, and as if I were apart of the political front line, yet,Read MoreThe Mexican Revolution2053 Words   |  9 Pagesfrom what they call the â€Å"rich people.† That’s how the Mexican revolution began. Before he was known as â€Å"Francisco Villa†, he was Jose Doroteo Arango Arambula, born June 5, 1878 in San Juan Del Rio, Durango, Chihuahua, Mexico.​ He changed his name because in his town he had killed a man who almost raped his younger sister. He had no choice but to escape. Later in his life he was recruited as commander in chief who led 28 men to the revolution. From then on he was a military leader who had gainedRead MoreThe Mexican Revolution Essay2080 Words   |  9 Pages Scott Van Winkle (MLA Format) My Thesis is, the Mexican Revolution was important because the people were getting fed up and something needed to be done about the corruption and the possibility of a free-market. This kind of â€Å"opportunity† would help the rich but the poor would only have a larger gap into the steps of economical and political society. People were unsatisfied with the Diaz Regime and it had nowRead MoreThe Revolutionary Revolution And The Mexican Revolution2470 Words   |  10 Pagesstated in Mexicans in Revolution, 1910-1946: An Introduction, â€Å"The roots of the Revolution reached back to the successful programs of the government of Porfirio Dà ­az and his regime, called the Porfiriato, that governed the republic from 1876 to 1911.†1 Francisco Madero, a representative for the common people and a candidate in the presidential election in 1910, promoted a resistance that opposed the reelection of Diaz. Eventually, the struggle to overthrow Diaz resulted in the Mexican Revolut ion. Madero’sRead MoreThe Mexican Revolution Of 1910 Essay1747 Words   |  7 Pagesattributed to the Mexican Revolution of 1910, that may or may not deem it a legitimate revolution, we must first establish and define that which is allocated by the term, revolution. Merriam Webster defines a revolution as, a complete overthrow of an established government or political system. The Oxford Dictionary defines a revolution as, â€Å"an overthrow of old government by force and replacing it by a new one. Funk and Wagnall’s Standard Desk Dictionary establishes that a revolution is, a great upheaval:Read MoreThe Mexican Revolution Of 19101619 Words   |  7 PagesThe Mexican Revolution of 1910 set many influences in motion shaping the course of Mexican history between 1920 up into the 2000s. There are several patterns that take its cue from the Revolution include the creation and long standing existence of a one political party rule. The Mexican Revolution is an extremely lo ng and complicated subject to perceive without much background information, but in summation the Revolution was an attempt to end a dictatorship of Porfirio Dà ­az and to establish a constitutionalRead MoreThe Mexican Revolution Essay1272 Words   |  6 PagesThe Mexican Revolution The Mexican Revolution was the culmination of a mass of political, economic, and social tension that accompanied the regime of the dictator Porfirio Diaz. The Revolution began with the aims to overthrow Diaz, but the Revolution had a pronounced effect on the organization of Mexicos government, economy, and society. Porfirio Diaz was the president of Mexico when the Revolution broke out. He was elected in 1877, and although he swore to step down in 1880, he continued

Monday, December 9, 2019

Henry Lawson - Composers in Everyday Situations free essay sample

Lawson and Hargreaves give their audience a feeling of the distinctly visual. Both authors convey distinctive experiences through different ways. Lawson uses many evocative and powerful language techniques to convey his thoughts and feelings. This is clearly shown in ‘The Drover’s Wife’ and ‘In a Dry Season’. Other narratives also utilise the many language techniques to convey the distinctively visual image. Both texts reveal both positive and negative values which are indicative of the Australian image. Through the forms and language of these texts, and the values of larrikinism, heroism, humour, environment and realism, they alter the responder’s perceptions and understand the perceptions of Australia and its identity. Both ‘The Drover’s Wife’ and ‘In a Dry Season’ use distinctive visuals to deepen the responders understanding of place; the situation of the story, where the stories are set. The ‘The Drover’s Wife’ is written in third person, from the point of view of an omniscient narrator. We will write a custom essay sample on Henry Lawson Composers in Everyday Situations or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Lawson’s negativity towards the bush begins immediately in this story, when he uses diction to describe the bushland surrounding the house as â€Å"stunted, rotten native apple trees. No undergrowth The two-roomed house is built from round timber, slabs, and stringy-bark, and floored with split slabs. † This quote is used to allow the responder to visualise the pre-federation basic home and not only how isolated it is from society but also how isolated it is from modern day housing. â€Å"Nineteen miles to the nearest sign of Lawson creates a distinctively visual image, for the responder, with images of isolation, stoicism and the struggle for survival in the harsh Australian Outback. ‘In a Dry Season’ Lawson employs a strong sense of imagery which is created for the responder. With this device the reader feels a link with the narrator as sense as through the responder is on the same journey and witnessing the story as it unfolds. Lawson employs metonym to express the innocence of the newcomers in juxtaposed with a messy and unfashionable group conveyed with the use of alliteration, verbs and further metonymy to convey an untidy and dated group. Lawson develops a detailed image of the freshness and naivety of the young travellers through reference to their freshly cut hair and starched collars in â€Å"One or two square-cuts and stand-up collars struggle dismally through to the bitter end†. The employment of metonymy allows the audience to instantly connect the haircut and stiff collars to a group innocent to the harshness of the bush. This is contrasted to the appearance of the Bushmen has been evoked in this short story. This disorderly exterior has been effectively created with the recurring â€Å"s† in â€Å"Slop, sac, suits, red face and old fashioned flat brimmed hats†. The repetition of the sound allows Lawson to convey the boredom of bush life and the Bushmen’s fatigue to the reader. Similarly, Little Miss Sunshine, a picture book by Roger Hargreaves involves the reader in a range of experiences. This picture book contains a layout of the general structural formulae for the story consisting of orientation, complication and resolution. It is told in third person. All of the pictures in this text are on the right hand page and none of the pictures are framed. They are positioned to take up a whole page for each picture. This picture book uses simple colours and drawings. This makes it easy for readers of all ages to see and understand what is happening in the picture book. Throughout the orientation, Miseryland is presented as a sad, unhappy, miserable place using the graphics and text. ‘And when the birds wake up in the morning in Miseryland, they don’t start singing. They start crying! Oh, it really is an awful place! ’ Then the responder is introduced to little Miss Sunshine, the main character. She is shown to be a happy person ‘whistling happily to herself’ and shown to be the colour yellow in the picture to convey happiness and brightness. The picture book’s complication arises with little Miss Sunshine laughing and giggling in front of the king in Miseryland. The pictures capture this with a close-up of the king’s and little miss sunshine’s face; hers laughing and the king is crying. This sets a major contrast between the two characters. In conclusion, the narration in the short stories by Henry Lawson the ‘The Drover’s Wife’ and ‘In A Dry Season’ and â€Å"Little Miss Sunshine†, by Roger Hargreaves, prove highly important in involving the responder in a range of xperiences by providing the techniques and storylines for the responder to gain an insight from. As both Lawson and Hargreaves bring the world of their work to life through the images they create. Lawson describes scenes to the audience in such detail that he makes it possible for the readers to place themselves in the particular situation he is creating, even if they have never had that experience. This technique helps to link the reader with that specific feeling. While Hargreaves creates images of calmness and freedom through the composer’s use of colours and positioning.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Pax Romana Essay Example

Pax Romana Essay Aelius Aristides obviously believes there are many benefits to the Pax Romana.Aristides feels that having a centrally run government is the best way for an empire to thrive.Through this government, greater trade is capable and no rebellions will occur. Another benefit is the concept of equality.Everyone living under the Roman Empire has citizenship and is therefore is equal.The governor sets an example of the proper way to be a citizen.In turn, the subjects follow by example, thus, order and peace reign throughout. First of all, this speech was given in front of the Emperor.You cannot speak pessimistically of your ruler to his face.Secondly, Aelius Aristides is living in Greece during a time of peace.This peace is very unique and well received in Greece particularly.Living in Greece, Aristides may not see the flaws of the Republic or he just might not care.He would like this peace to last thus giving him a biased viewpoint.The exaggeration used is a means for propaganda.While Aristi des knows there are flaws, the good outweighs the bad. I believe Aristides portrayal of the Pax Romana is a fair one.Nowadays, you cannot open the paper without reading about a hostage situation in Russia or a bomb going off in the Middle East.I am a firm believer that the ends justify the means.Yes the Roman Republic was fairly corrupted.Elections were rigged and the citizens really had no political power. The fact of the matter is, between 27 B.C. and A.D. 180, no major wars were fought.The economy went through ups and downs like it always does, but the governmental system in place was structured around equality and assimilation.This proved to be successful and enduring.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The eNotes Blog How to Pick the Right College forYou

How to Pick the Right College forYou Congratulations high schoolers! Another school year is over and summer has just begun! While were certain that youre all out to have a good time and unwind, the summer is also an opportune time to start thinking about next steps, and its likely that a good number of your summer vacations revolve around  touring college campuses. Do you know where life will take you after high school, and what might be the right college for you? If the answer to that question still eludes you, we know a great resource to help you figure it all out. Imagine if there was one simple  infographic that pointed you to the exact college for you: one in the right state, that  offers the right major, and comes at a great price. Choosing the right campus would be a breeze, right? Well, youre in luck! Because Affordable Colleges Online  is just that: Affordable Colleges Online is a free resource  with the mission to direct  you to the best higher education possible at a price that you and your family can actually afford.  From any  page of AC Onlines  website you can search their vast database of US colleges for the school that matches the specific major, location, and degree level youre looking for. For instance, a search for nursing programs brings up not only online  classes that are currently open for enrollment, but the internships and scholarships available to prospective nursing students, too: With the wealth of information AC Online offers on online degrees, your college education could start right away. But is online learning right for you? Its steadily becoming more and more popular: Initially on the fringes of formal education, online courses and degree programs have quickly become mainstream. Colleges and universities of all types have incorporated online learning into their curricula. In 2013, seven million college students - nearly 50 percent of all those enrolled - took at least one online class, with an estimated 20 percent earning an entire degree program remotely. And the decision is a wise one; if you could have the same education for less in tuition fees and minus the cost of campus living, wouldnt you consider it? Of course, there will always be the draw to the campus lifestyle, and AC Online knows that. Thats why theyve also compiled lists of the most affordable universities across three categories: community, public, and private colleges. Interested in which US colleges offer the highest return on investment? The website has that information too. Essentially, any criteria you can come up with to find the perfect college for you, its on there. AC Online will even help you file for financial aid once youve made your choice! So, if youre still looking for  the right college for you, or if youre ready to tackle prerequisite courses online to save yourself time and money, head to  for the easiest campus search on the web. Trust us your parents will thank you!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

40 Irregular Verbs That Can End in -t

40 Irregular Verbs That Can End in -t 40 Irregular Verbs That Can End in â€Å"-t† 40 Irregular Verbs That Can End in â€Å"-t† By Mark Nichol The predominant way to represent the past tense of a verb is to add -ed, but some verbs take -t as a variant ending, or even as the only form. Here are forty such verbs, including some ubiquitous words (like left and shot) we may not even think of as having irregular forms because they are the only forms we know for example, leaved and shooted are not options as well as some that survive only in poetry or mock-archaic usage. 1. Bent: the only correct form of the past tense of bend, although the archaic form bended is used jocularly, for example in the phrase â€Å"on bended knee† 2. Blest: a variant form of the past tense of bless 3. Built: the primary form of the past tense of build, though builded is used in some dialects 4. Burnt: a variant form of the past tense of burn; used in favor of the primary spelling in names of pigments such as burnt orange and burnt sienna (familiar to Crayola crayon aficionados) 5. Clapt: a variant form of the past tense of clap 6. Cleft: a variant form of the past tense of cleave; also, a noun or adjective referring to a split 7. Clept: the past tense of the archaic term clepe (â€Å"name,† call†; the present-tense and past-tense words are also spelled yclepe and yclept) 8. Crept: the only correct form of the past tense of creep, except in the slang sense of being creeped out, or unsettled 9. Dealt: the only correct form of the past tense of deal 10. Dreamt: a variant form of the past tense of dream 11. Drest: an obsolete variant form of the past tense of dress 12. Dwelt: a variant form of the past tense of dwell 13. Felt: the only correct form of the past tense of feel; also, a noun referring to a type of material or a similar substance 14. Gilt: a variant form of the past tense of gild; also, a synonym for gold or a noun or adjective referring to gold plating or other surfacing, or a young female pig 15. Girt: a variant form of the past tense of gird 16. Kent: a variant form of the past tense of ken, an archaic synonym for know or recognize 17. Knelt: the primary form of the past tense of kneel 18. Leant: an alternate form of the past tense of lean, used mostly in British English but occasionally appearing in American English usage as well (pronounced â€Å"lent†) 19. Leapt: a variant form of the past tense of leap (see this related post) 20. Learnt: an alternate form of the past tense of learn, used mostly in British English but occasionally appearing in American English usage as well 21. Left: the only correct form of the past tense of leave, meaning â€Å"go,† although the past tense for leave in the sense of forming leaves is leaved 22. Lent: the only correct form of the past tense of lend 23. Lost: the only correct form of the past tense of lose 24. Meant: the only correct form of the past tense of mean (pronounced â€Å"ment†) 25. Pent: an alternate form of the past tense of pen, meaning â€Å"confine,† although the past tense for pen in the sense of writing is penned 26. Reft: an alternate form of the past tense of reave 27. Rent: an alternate form of the past tense of rend 28. Sent: the only correct form of the past tense of send 29. Shot: the only correct form of the past tense of shoot 30. Slept: the only correct form of the past tense of sleep 31. Slipt: a variant form of the past tense of slip 32. Smelt: a variant form of the past tense of smell; also, a noun referring to a type of fish or a verb for melting or reducing metal or another substance 33. Spelt: an alternate form of the past tense of spell, used mostly in British English but occasionally appearing in American English usage as well; also, a noun referring to a type of wheat 34. Spent: the only correct form of the past tense of spend 35. Spilt: a variant form of the past tense of spill 36. Spoilt: a variant form of the past tense of spoil 37. Stript: a variant form of the past tense of strip 38. Vext: a variant form of the past tense of vex 39. Wept: the only correct form of the past tense of weep 40. Went: the only correct form of the past tense of go Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Comparative Forms of Adjectives"Have" vs "Having" in Certain ExpressionsEnglish Grammar 101: Prepositions

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Working Capital and Financial Environment Paper Essay

Working Capital and Financial Environment Paper - Essay Example The total amount is $10493m. They are collectable within a year. Current liabilities - is another balance sheet item. It is the sum of money owed by an organization that is due for payment within a period of one year. For GlaxoSmithKline, current liabilities for year 2005 as given in the financial statements include elements such as: - Trade and other payables - trade payables, wages and salaries, social securities, other payables, deferred income, customer return and rebate accruals, other accruals, dividends payable, derivative financial instruments - $1,0091.7m Financial regulators such as IFRS body are seen as international marks quality and transparency and thus boost the image of the reporting Entity (Michael W. Maher, William N. Lanen, Madhav V. Rajan. 2004). 4. Mitigation of risks. Effective control also ensures that risks are identified early and assessed properly inorder to come up with timely mitigation plans. This is because it is not possible to completely eliminate risks in such areas as research and development where it's not certain whether investment will bear significant returns.. 7. Control programs also ensure group's compliance with audit functions, as well as regulations and ethical codes of practice. This ensures the integrity of financial statements (Horngren, C., Sundem, G. and Elliott, J. (1991). (i) GSK has... Cash and cash equivalents Short term investments Accounts receivables Short term loans Inventories Pre-paid expenses and taxes Assets held for sale Total current assets = $41,896m (Pfizer financial reports 2005) Current liabilities - This is money owed by the company and repayable within one year. For Pfizer Inc. current liabilities include: - Short term borrowings ($11,589) Accounts payables ($2,226)m Dividends Payables ($1,772)m Income tax payable ($3,617)m Accrued compensations and related items ($1,720)m Other current liabilities ($7,522)m Liabilities held for sale ($2)m Total current liabilities are given as $28,448m = 28.45 billion dollars Working capital is therefore $41,896 - $28,448 = $13,448 = $13.45 billion b. Explain the functions of intermediaries and financial regulatory bodies with the company. Functions of intermediaries and financial regulators Financial regulators such as IFRS body are seen as international marks quality and transparency and thus boost the image of the reporting Entity (Michael W. Maher, William N. Lanen, Madhav V. Rajan. 2004). They provide a platform for comparison of similar companies in same Industry and therefore boost standardization. They also enhance financial reporting ensuring that companies understand risk controls and management and understand the impact of finance in business activities. They ensure compliance of set rules and regulations within the particular industry. C. Determine the importance of control programs and effective internal control techniques to the selected organization. Discuss the impact of the 2002 Sarbanes- Oxley Act. For GlaxoSmithKline good control programs are important due to the following reasons: - 1. They enable the board to present a balanced and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Cell Structure (Bio slp Mod 1) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cell Structure (Bio slp Mod 1) - Essay Example Additionally, the majority of prokaryotes are unicellular with an exception of a few such as cyanobacteria while eukaryotes are multicellular. These are single-celled prokaryotic organisms that differ from bacteria and eukaryota in many ways. Their size and shape resemble that of bacteria but contain genes and metabolic processes similar to those in eukaryotes. Unlike bacteria, some archaea have irregular shapes. These are prokaryotic organisms that derive their energy from inorganic sources. They are subdivided into two major groups; ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB) that oxidize ammonia to nitrite, and nitrate oxidizing bacteria (NOB), which oxidize nitrite to nitrate. Examples of the AOB group are the Nitrosomonas Sp while Nitrobacter Sp belong to the NOB group. These are chemolithotrophs bacteria that utilize ammonium as a source of energy. They oxidize ammonia to nitrite. Examples include the Nitrosomonas, Nitrosococcus, Nitrosospira, and Nitrosolobus species. Gram negative bacteria are bacteria that have a thin peptidoglycan (polymer) matrix, which comprises the cell membrane of the organism. Consequently these bacteria do not retain the crystal violet dye used in gram staining technique. On the other hand, gram positive bacteria contain a thick layer of this polymer matrix, thus retain the primary stain in gram staining giving them purple appearance. These are organic compounds consisting of carbon and hydrogen elements. These compounds are abundant in nature and occur mostly in the form of crude oil. Hydrocarbons, therefore, are the main source of energy readily available as a combustible fuel. This is a scientific assay that employs the use of live organisms to determine the biological activity of a test substance. These tests are useful in investigating the effects (toxicity) of an element accidently introduced in an ecosystem. For instance, the effect

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Third ; Final Continent Themes Essay Example for Free

The Third ; Final Continent Themes Essay Everybody feels he must get to the top. Dont expect an English cup of tea. Car horns, shrill and prolonged, blared one after another. Flashing sirens heralded endless emergencies, and a fleet of buses rambled past their doors opening and closing with a powerful hiss, throughout the night. The noise was constantly distracting, at times suffocating. ) The Indian immigrants fear of losing his own culture. In 1969, when I was thirty- six years old, my own marriage was arranged. The fact that he had an arranged marriage proves he doesnt want to lose his culture and go the Western way. 3) The methods of steps of copying to a new culture and a new life in America. In a week I had adjusted, more or less. I ate cornflakes and milk morning and night, and bought some bananas for variety, slicing them into the bowl with the edge of my spoon. In addition I bought tea bags and a flask, which the salesman in Woolworths eferred to as a thermos (a flask, he informed me, was used to store whiskey, another thing I had never consumed). For the price of one cup of tea at a coffee shop, I filled the flask with boiling water on the way to work each morning, and brewed the four cups I drank in the course of the day. I bought a larger carton of milk, and learned to leave it on the shaded part of the windowsill, as I had seen other residents at the YMCA do. To pass the time in the evenings I read the Boston Globe downstairs, in a spacious room with stained-glass windows. I read every article and advertisement, so that I would grow familiar with things, and when my eyes grew tired I slept. Questions 1) Explain how the narrators last visit to Mrs. Croft is significant. Give two reasons. Support your answer with the phrases/words. The narrator and his wife, Mala, had visited Mrs. Croft one last time. During this visit, Mrs. Croft acted as an icebreaker. She broke the tension between Mala and the narrator. Ever since Mala arrived, the narrator saw her as a part of his life, a duty. At the visit, Mrs. Croft asked the narrator question, which led to him answering with, Splendid! This caused Mala to laugh and Mrs. Croft wondered who she was. After a slight introduction, Mrs. Croft replied with, She is a perfect lady! causing Mala and the narrator to look at each other and smile. The moment with Mrs. Croft, was described by the narrator as the moment when the distance between Mala and me began to lessen. 2) Explain the title of the short story. The title shows that the narrator could survive life on three continents, while adapting perfectly. This title means to show readers that feats can be accomplished f they are set out to be. If the narrator could survive on three continents, then people for the narrator to finally adapt in America. 3) Depict how the narrators relationship with Mala evolved. The writers relationship with Mala first started out as tense. He felt that his marriage was like a job, something he had to wake up to and live with for the rest of his day till he went to sleep, and the cycle continued for as long as they were married. There was no feeling or love, it was Just a step taken by Indians in order to feel secure in their lives. It was their sense of security in the world, and marriage was their way of dealing. When Mrs. Croft exclaimed that Mala was a perfect lady I think both the narrator and Mala realized that if Mrs. Croft could learn to accept something new so quickly, then they could learn to embrace a new relationship. And so, the eventually fell in love, gotten used to each other, and led a happy marriage with a son who lived up to his Bengali parents expectations which sticking to the Indian culture, even all the way at Harvard.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Comparing Treatments for Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Children Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness among children, and therefore many studies have been conducted in an attempt to find the most successful treatment for a majority of sufferers. According to Comer (2013) is believed that anywhere from 8-29% of all children and adolescents experience an anxiety disorder sometime during their early life. Even more shocking, is the fact that most of these children go untreated: â€Å"Despite the high prevalence of childhood and adolescent anxiety disorders, around two-thirds of anxious children go untreated† (Comer, 2013, p. 521). Failure to address the existence of these problems in childhood and adolescence can be detrimental to future mental health, as it increases the risk of heightened psychological problems in adulthood (Comer, 2013, p.519). Therefore, it is imperative that different treatment methods be evaluated. Two methods that have been recently receiving more attention and research are drug therapy and cognitive-be havioral therapy. The investigation of both these treatments have produced mixed results, but continued research should provide more answers as to which treatment options yield the greatest results. Furthermore, there are different subtypes of each treatment method, and as displayed in the research findings included below, each with varying degrees of success. Psychopharmacology is a much-debated topic within the field of psychology and psychiatry, particularly for children and adolescents. Many fear that providing substances to children is unsafe, and are concerned about the immediate and long-term side effects. Due to the ambiguity of their success, there is much written about this drug use and ... ...ty and effectiveness, it is imperative that clinicians evaluate each patient and warning signs that could indicate complications with treatment. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is just as successful as drug therapy and has a number of advantages. Firstly, it directly addresses the false and anxious cognitions in children, and secondly, it teaches methods to cope in the future. Additionally, it is a better long-term treatment, and does not have the adverse effects of drug therapy. Finally, there are a number of different types of CBT, from individual to group to family, offering a variety of ways to help children with their anxiety. Each of these methods has their own advantages, especially those that include children’s peers or relatives, as they bolster the success of these treatments by reinforcing coping behavior and offering advanced and specific social support.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Nelson Mandela Essay

Nelson Mandela was a man of honor. A man who sacrificed his life for the betterment of others. He was born July 18, 1918 in South Africa. He grew up in a segregated country. He later became an activist against apartheid. He protested and paraded the country. He got arrested and spends the next 27 years in prison. He still did not give up the fight against apartheid. After getting out of prison he became the first democratic elected president of South Africa from 1991 to 1997. After his presidency he created several nonprofit organizations to help and make South Africa better. Nelson Mandela was a man who doesn’t care what people say or think about him. He always does what he thinks is right even when the majority disagrees with him he still goes on doing what he thinks is best. When he started fighting to end apartheid, he knew that he was sacrificing his life. He knew that his life was shortened. That death was near, but he doesn’t care because he knows that his sacrifice will pay off eventually. Nelson Mandela was born in South Africa. All through his childhood, living in South Africa as a black man was brutal because of the apartheid. There was different school for black children. Restaurants were segregated, maids were used as slaves. Growing up, the rule at that time was that at 6 pm, a siren would sound, which meant that no black people were allowed on the streets after that time. If they are caught by the police they had to show prove of identity. If they couldn’t produce this, they were arrested and put in jail. Black South Africans owned noting during that era. No houses, no cars and they weren’t allowed to have accounts of any kind. Even at the mall there were different bathrooms for white people. Park benches were segregated public water fountains were segregated. Almost everything starting from the public transit to owning an apartment was separated between whites and blacks in South Africa. In 1961, Nelson Mandela became leader of the armed wing branch of government. He protested all over the country, sabotaging the apartheid government. Since the non-violent way of trying to end apartheid is not working, he devices a plan which call to destroying several government buildings. Such as, the post office, the police station and other government offices. It worked great until citizens started getting killed in the buildings. The police arrested him on numerous occasions, with no solid evidence they let him go. Finally they arrested him for treason and sabotaging the government. After getting arrested he was sentenced to 27years in prison. In the winter of 1964, Nelson Mandela arrived on Robben Island where he would spend 18 years of his 27 years prison sentence. Put in a small cell, with no bed, just a bucket for a toilet, he was forced to do hard labor in a quarry. He was granted one visitor a year for 30 minutes. He could write and receive one letter every six months. But Robben Island became the place, which transformed him. Through his intelligence, charm and relentless pursuit, Mandela eventually controlled even the most brutal prison officers to his will. He gained leadership over his prison mates and became the head of his own prison.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Competitors Analysis for Hoi Tin Tong Essay

Hung Fook Tong (HFT) founded in 1986 and more than 120 stores in China and HK. HFT turned traditional herbal tea shop into a modern and innovative enterprise over the years which have over 100 products, including herbal jellies, herbal tea, homemade soups, and preservative-free healthy drinks. An innovation that helped both the popularity and the portability of herbal tea, they have more than 3000 retail points across the territory, including supermarkets, convenience shops, schools and restaurants. Kung Wo Tong (KWT) was established in 1904 by an imperial physician in the Qing Dynasty, there are total 10 stores in HK and 1 in China. The stores located along a main street and keeps old-fashioned herbal drinks shops in typical sized with limited even no decoration over hundred years. Most of shops sell four to six kinds of herbal drinks, but the herbal jelly is one staple that seldom miss the list. They keeps tradition way and focus more on the health benefits rather than its taste. HealthWorks (HW) started as a traditional Chinese herbal tea shop in 1989 and decided to modernize the company in 2000 in order to follow their global expansion plan. HW use modern technologies involves in develop, produce and distribute an array of traditional Chinese natural nourishing productions including herbal soup, herbal tea, medicinal tea, herbal jelly and other Chinese medicinal diet. There are 22 shops which mainly at MTR stations with trendy decoration and more than 1500 point of sales distributing ready-to-drinks herbal tea in various supermarkets and convenient stores Compare to HTT, customer regard KWT is more traditional and believe the products have more medical function while HFT and HW are trendier and provide health supplement goods. So, customers who go to HTT and KWT will be the local people who believe traditional herbal benefits, mainly the adult and elderly. The customers who go to HFT and HW will be younger age customers with health conscious and even tourists. HTT lost the competitive advances to HFT on product range and market coverage due to HFT do a good job at distribution strategy which has lots of products and large distribution channels. HFT also use price strategy to set their price is the lower among these competitor, these advances make HFT become the biggest herbal tea group in HK according to survey by AC Nelson. HTT use location strategy and branding strategy better than other competitors who have many chain stories and strong image, so HTT have competitive advances on sales network, number of chain stores and customer loyalty.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

strenuous life essays

strenuous life essays In the late 1800s, Theodore Roosevelt became well known for delivering popular speeches. One of the main topics that Roosevelt preached was the strenuous life. His philosophy of the strenuous life was that one should earn things from working for them. Roosevelt taught that the highest form of success comes from those who work the hardest and demonstrate the most efforts. Having the satisfaction of knowing that you worked laboriously for something, and in return have a rewarding result, that is the strenuous life. But, is Roosevelt's philosophy of the strenuous life still applicable today? August 13, 1999 marked an important day in my life. On the 13th, I turned 17 and passed my driving test. After having spent lots of time thinking about it, I decided that since I had this new responsibility, I should use it to my advantage. Now that I could commute and commit myself, I decided to start to search for my first job. The first place that I had applied to, Allure Hair Designers, hired me as their receptionist. I knew that things in my life were about to change. At the end of my first week of work, I received my first paycheck. I went home from work that day, and sat in bedroom all night thinking of what I should do with this money. Before this, the thought of budgeting money had never really occurred to me because I knew that I was always able to depend on my parents for financial support. However, I decided that things would be different now. I use my first paycheck to take my parents out for a nice dinner at their favorite restaurant. This restaurant is not personally one of my favorites, but for all that they have done for me, it was the least I could do. When the bill came, I paid for it, without hesitating. As I waited for the waiter to bring me my change, I realized that this was the best meal that I had ever had. The reason for this was not because the food was prepared especially well, but rather ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Case Study Writing

Case Study Writing In higher education, students are often required to write case studies. Used in most (if not all) academic disciplines, a case study serves to provide a thorough analysis of a situation, or â€Å"case.† Its purpose is to reveal interesting information about a classification of things – and is analytical in nature. Perhaps it’s best to see the case as the â€Å"real-life† situation; the case study is the analysis of this situation.  Fundamentally, case studies seek to solve a problem. For example, a business student may perform a case study on a particular company; while the political science student might conduct one on a particular country or a political ideology. In a psychology course, a case study could be written about a person’s mental illness, or how kids with cerebral palsy learn to read and write and speak, for a more specific example. Case studies cover a broad range of topics – but there is one underlying theme: they highlight a larger problem or issue, a real-life situation, in the field and, through heavy research and the application of theories, concepts and common knowledge in a field of study, serve to illuminate those problems through an in-depth study of its application to an individual or single unit. There are two approaches to writing a case study.  One is the Analytical Approach, where the case study is performed in an attempt to understand what has happened and why and does not identify a problem or suggest solutions.  The other approach to a case study is the Problem-Oriented Method used to identify existing problems and then suggesting solutions to said problems. Case Studies Should Always: Apply the knowledge and ideas covered in a course to a practical, real-life situation Identify – then suggest solutions to – present problems Recommend the BEST solution to these problems Detail exactly how this solution should be incorporated The Five Steps to Writing a Case Study Step 1. Choose a subject, issue or problem, and conduct thorough research on that topic (by using books, journals, magazines, and newspapers). Of course, the issue should pertain to the course in which the assignment is given, and the student should make sure to record these sources for later. Step 2. Choose a case â€Å"site† – a location, organization, company, or even individuals experiencing a problem – then plan and set up interviews. Remember: interviewees should, for example, be involved in the same company or organization, or the case â€Å"site,† with a common interest in solving the problem. Step 3. Conduct interviews. This is a crucial step to a case study. Ask interviewees what solutions have already been attempted, as well as inquired about their feelings about the situation, and what they could, perhaps, do differently to solve the underlying problem in the future. Open-ended questions are best – What is working? How did the situation develop? Stay away from yes or no questions for an objective analysis. Step 4. Organize and analyze the information gathered from the interviews and the research to identify which are most pertinent in solving the problem. Step 5. Double-check all the information on the case study, make your conclusions, and voila its ready. You may be interested in: Critical Analysis How to Write an Argumentative Essay Book Report Writing Writing Effective Assignments Tips on Improving Students Study Skills The Eight Sections of a Case Study:   Synopsis/Executive Summary outlining the purpose of the case study, a description of research, a broad outline of the issues and findings, and the theory being used   Analysis, which identifies the problems in the case and is supported by factual evidence   Discussion summarizing the major problems, which identifies alternative solutions to these problems; it should briefly outline each alternative solution, and then evaluate the advantages/disadvantages of each   Conclusion – it should sum up the main points gathered from findings and the discussions   Recommendations explaining what alternative solutions should be adopted to solve the problem, briefly justifying these solutions in a persuasive manner. In this section, integration of theory pertinent to the coursework is most appropriate   Implementation explaining what should be done, by whom and when   References used in the case study   Appendices may be used to note any original data relating to the study that may have interrupted the flow of the main body These are basic case study writing steps. If you need any further assistance and/or guidance with your case study, is the service that is happy to assist. Simply send us your requirements, attach any relevant files and send it over. We will analyze your assignment and then provide feedback on how it should be done. Additionally, we can provide additional counseling and guidance on case study writing by providing a sample case study response. You will then be able to use this model paper as a sample to work on your subsequent case study assignments. is happy to be your academic advisor!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Simulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Simulation - Essay Example This paper summarizes the simulation and provides analysis of project management concepts and applications. The simulation showcased a company called the Huduma Foundation whose goal is to preserve wildlife by rescuing and rehabilitating wild life in the national parks of Kandivar. During the simulation the project at hand require the transfer of eight elephants from one park to another. The application of sound project management techniques enabled the managers the ability to complete the projects and deal with different contingencies that turn up during the course of business. I learned that its is essential to have a plan of action in place at all stages of the project in which the risk and benefits associated with the event are considered. During the second stage of the simulation the project manager was faced with different alternative solutions to deal with a problem concerning the transfer of the elephants. As the PM was evaluating the different options new information was provided concerning the availability of military assistance. The new contingency created a new path that allow ed for an optimal solution. A project manager always has to stay analyzed all information and react to any new trends that can affect project implementation. During the course of the simulation the concepts of project management guided the Huduma team by providing a sound plan to complete the mission. The advantages of project management techniques included having an actual plan that provides both pros and cons of each alternative route. This plan must considered both risk and time as critical success factors. The risk must be minimized, while the time schedule must be optimize in order to meet the deadlines. When choosing between risk and time a project manager should prioritize the minimization of risk over time constraints since risk that cause a project to

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Genocide Of either Holocaust or the Rawnda Essay

Genocide Of either Holocaust or the Rawnda - Essay Example (Kagame and his RPF were said to be the ones who ended the genocide) Later on, Kagame is elected as President and has ruled the country since March of 2000. Gourevitch recently wrote that Kagame â€Å"has come to be recognized by his adversaries and his admirers alike, as one of the most formidable political figures of our age† ( A detailed report from the British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC) regarding the events in the run-up and during the April to July of 1994 provided the scale of the genocide in a straightforward lead: â€Å"Between April and June of 1994, an estimated 800,000 Rwandans were killed in the space of 100 days† ( The genocide all started from the assassination of Habyarimana and other officials when the airplane they had boarded â€Å"was shot down above Kigali airport on 6 April 1994† ( By Kagame’s account, dissident Hutus were behind the killing of Habyarimana just to give excuse for Hutus and state fo rces to purge the Tutsis out of Rwanda; but a French judge has blamed Kagame. It is clear that several factors had phenomenally laid the groundwork for the horrible genocide to happen. Aside from the shooting down of Habyarimana’s plane, cases of violence–specifically between Hutus and Tutsis which are the two races in Rwanda–replete the torrid history of Rwanda. â€Å"Ethnic tension in Rwanda is nothing new. There have been always disagreements between the majority Hutus and minority Tutsis† ( Way back in 1916, Belgian colonists considered the Tutsis as superior. Tutsis stood tall and had had â€Å"enjoyed better jobs and educational opportunities† ( than the Hutus. It is the Hutus’ ethnic hatred towards the Tutsis which added more fuel in burning genocide. In the midst of the Rwandan genocide was Paul Rusesabagina, 56. A hotel manager of the Millie Collines, a luxury hotel in capital Kigali, Rusesabagina has saved many Tutsis from the armed Hutus. His actions transformed him into being an â€Å"unlikely hero† ( His story was filmed and premiered in Hollywood on the December of 2004 as Hotel Rwanda. Hotel Rwanda has revealed the daily struggles of Rusesabagina just to keep many Tutsis safe in the luxury hotel. It revealed the corrupted and disordered local politics in Rwanda. It has also shown the cowed response of the United Nations’ peacekeeping force in handling the situation. It has also revealed many impoverished families who mired in hunger and poverty. Ultimately, it is a success story on the part of Rusesabagina that despite of all the intimidations he’s been through, he successfully saved his neighbors and loved ones from the genocide. The UN is pretty straightforward in its campaign against genocide. Under the UN Agreements on Human Rights, it is stipulated that the convention bans â€Å"acts committed with the intent to destroy, i n whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group† ( It also declared that â€Å"genocide itself, conspiracy or incitement to commit genocide, attempts to commit or complicity in the commission of genocide all to be illegal† ( It is clear that the true intent of the convention is to straighten the fact that genocide is illegal thus deserves

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Middle East Story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Middle East Story - Essay Example Mariam is Muslim and Tony is Christian. I personally believe this change greatly changes the story and makes it even more impossible for Mariam and Tony to be together. Also, it is important to note that the story does take place in 2006. America and the Muslim world is at a point where any communication leads to inevitable misunderstanding and yet, Tony, an American Christian soldier falls in love with the Islamic Qatari Mariam. I really like my modernized version of the play. I feel that since there is so much hostility between the Americans and the Muslims, showing a play where both sides want to give up what they stand for and just be devoted to each other shows that love prevails over all. Throwing dirt on others does not make us a better person; and violence is definitely not the answer to all questions. Middle East Story shows that life is short, and questions, is it wise to spend a short life hating and killing those who disagree with our viewpoint In my modernized version, Tony does die. I felt it was important for Tony to die, because even after he dies, Mariam shows her affection for him. She covers his face with her head covering, her identity of being a Muslim. I felt this was a very powerful scene in the play. This play is based on the musical, West Side Story, and I have attempted to modernize it by making a few... Mariam is the sister of Qatar's Islamic groups' leader, Ibrahim. Ibrahim wants Qatar to be independent of the American soldiers because he fears the Americans would Westernize the Qataris and cause trouble. From the start it is established that Mariam's family is against the American soldiers. Tony, the guy with whom Mariam meets and falls in love, is an American soldier. This racial difference is very difficult to deal with. The American soldiers pity the Qataris whom the Americans believe are living a backwards life. The American soldiers believe women should have more freedom and the country overall should be more open-minded. The lack of understanding between both races leads to hatred; the American soldiers stationed in Qatar and the members of the Islamic groups have a hard time tolerating each other. A social class difference also exists between Mariam and Tony. Mariam comes from a very wealthy family. Her family owns a big house and she enjoys a comfortable lifestyle. Tony, on the other hand, comes from a middle class family. He lives in an apartment and does not enjoy a luxurious lifestyle. According to Qatar standards, a girl that comes from a wealthy family is supposed to be married to a man who is either of equal financial status or preferably richer. The last and major difference is the religion difference. This difference is not mentioned in the West Side Story. Mariam is a Muslim woman and Tony is a Christian man. According to Islam, it is not permissible for Mariam to get married to Tony. Also, Mariam came from a family that was religiously active and consistently reinforced the teachings and principles of Islam. Theme The whole play revolves around conflicts between the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

History of Colonization

History of Colonization Revolts in French ruled countries as opposed to Britain ruled countries To understand the causes of consequences, it becomes binding to have an idea of the background before the matter in dwelled into as a larger picture. The scramble for Africa started at the end of nineteenth century. European powers wanted to establish separate dominances over varied parts of the continent. After the initial hindrance of the geographical location was taken care of, each European power had vested interest in particular areas. Thus, they redrew the boundaries and the structure of the countries in the continent was revised to an immeasurable extent. The already existing political institutions were not concentrated upon. It led to forced partitions and mergers of a majority of the African countries. The traditional groups and monarchies were forced to break down and share their territory with literally new people. Thus multiple independent groups with each having their own history, culture, language and tradition were now belonging to one territory which would be ruled by one or more powers. Each ruling power was only looking for their own benefit. After a mass re division of the land, some parts were traded between the ruling countries to satisfy their own goals. Any kind of resistance by the native Africans was severely oppressed and made to die down by various Treaty and Conquest tactics. Although the colonial rule was expected to go on for over a period of more than 100 years, the ruling powers lacked sufficient man power to take over administration, governance over the economic growth. Indirect rule was favored with African authorities and thus emerged a new class if intermediaries whose job was to make sure that the government orders were fully executed. The pattern of economic activity started changing with commercial agriculture at a good pace. The countries started fair exports of these commodities as well as minerals. In certain parts of the continent, a given holding of a territory was declared as White Land. The literacy and primary education introduced throughout Africa by the Christian Missionaries led to the elites espousing nationalist ambitions. But it didn’t result in anything at this point as the African countries had nothing among them which would or could hold them together against the colonizing powers. Africans were residing in mere geographical boundaries. With the second World War, the game changed in Africa. All the new infrastructural developments and the rapid increase in agricultural production as well as the manufacture of other items that took place were to ensure the sustainability of the ruling European nations in the war. When the African troops were deputed for war, they learnt to a great deal about the freedom movements and struggles in the other parts of the world. When the war came to an end, just like the rest of the world, there was a lot of restlessness and frustration in Africa. Those who had served in the army were hoping to be rewarded by some share in the government of their country. The standard of living by then was in complete shambles. No proper housing facilities, high prices, no jobs and the problems continued. In order to provide some relief which would benefit their own interest, the colonial powers carved a way to include some of the African people in the political game. But gradually, some African thinkers started to believe in the idea of ‘self-government’ and demanded the same from the colonial power ruling that particular country. When this freedom was granted, the upcoming African political leaders were not trained and capable enough to run a country. Thus policies and decisions were not suitable for the development which led to increased corruption. Although no one really campaigned for independence, the political aspirations were centered on securing for the African population the same rights and privileges as those enjoyed by the fellow metropolitan people of the colonial power. But gradually, the march towards independence started in Africa. Like in any revolution, there were revolts across countries, against the governments. But there was a very obvious difference between the type and intensity of revolts in countries ruled by Britain and those ruled by the French. This is more of a comparative understanding rather than an analytical one. Here on, there is a sincere effort been made of following a timeline. When the continent of Africa was being divided by lines pre decided by the colonial invaders, some territories were swapped to satisfy their purposes. The British were primarily interested maintaining secure communication lines to India which led to initial interest in Egypt and South Africa. Then they intended to establish a Cape-Cairo railway. The control of Nile was also viewed as a strategic and commercial advantage. France had two motivations for its colonisation. Firstly, it wanted to establish markets, strategic bases for the French military and trading fleets around the world. Secondly, it wanted to exploit the natural resources and cheap labour of the colonies. Britain traded parts of northern Nigeria with France for fishing rights. France exchanged parts of Cameroon with Germany in return for German recognition of the French protectorate over Morocco. At the end of all the exchanges, the French claimed 3.75 million square miles while the British claimed 2 million square mil es. Early African reaction to European intrusion into Africa in the late 19th century was not uniform. A few groups that had suffered from long-term warfare or slave raiding (such as in parts of East Africa) gave an uncertain welcome to European presence in their regions in hope that there would be peace. Other groups strongly resisted the coming of European political control. However, many people had no initial reaction to colonialism. This was because the early year’s colonialism had little impact on the lives of many rural African peoples. This situation changed as the impact of colonialism became more widespread and intense in the middle decades of the 20th century. Until after the Second World War almost all the Africans living in the colonies of France were not citizens of France. Rather, they were French Subjects, lacking rights before the law, property ownership rights, rights to travel, dissent, or vote. Until after the Second World War almost all the Africans living in the colonies of France were not citizens of France. Rather, they were French Subjects, lacking rights before the law, property ownership rights, rights to travel, dissent, or vote. But post WW2, France started regarding their colonies not as separate territories but as a part of ‘La Plus Grande France’ But Britain’s strategy of pacifying all the nationalist ideas was different. They started by introducing new constituencies, providing for elections for a handful of members of the legislative councils. In the 1950’s, violence broke out in Algeria as France refused to grant Independence. The Algerian war started with the insurrection organised by the National Liberation Front (FLN), on November 1st, 1954, and lasted until 1962 when Algeria became independent. During those eight years one million Algerians died. In 1954 there were 200,000 Algerians living in France. Of those 150,000 were working, the majority in the building or steel industries. Slowly but surely the FLN began to organise Algerians in France. It was Algerians in France that were to finance the war. Tunisia and Morocco were granted independence and the rest 14 territories that France had under its wing, remained loyal to them. In British West Africa, everyone who was politically conscious was deemed to be a nationalist. On the other hand in French West Africa, there are Catholics and anti- clericals, Communists and Gaullists, Socialists, Syndicalist and Existentialists. LÃ ©opold SÃ ©dar Senghor was the first President of Senegal and the first African to be elected as a member of the French Academy. He wanted to not just stay in the French Union but the French Republic. Thus, he advocated political federation rather than independence between France and Africa. Post World War 2, the French Government bore a considerable amount of the administrative costs and provided subsidies for export crops. Until 1958, majority of the public investment and a sizeable amount of annual running costs plus vast sums of infrastructure were financed by France. When a new constitution was being drafted in the French ruled countries, except for Guinea, all other countries voted for a Franco-African community. But this did not last long and the African rulers demanded greater control. France then reached the conclusion that all territories under them would have to be launched as independent states. Meanwhile, in all the Britain ruled countries, the violence had been reaching a boiling point forcing England to jettison all long term plans of independence. Throughout the period of colonization, the French, no doubt ruthless colonisers, seem to have been more willing to consider the people of Africa a part of their culture and nation rather than believing in the principle of the ruler and the ruled upon as followed by Britain to a large extent. The French also wanted to see the fruits of their anti-slavery efforts in West Africa. Assimilation was one ideological basis of the French colonial policy. In contrast with British imperial policy, the French taught their subjects that, by adopting French language and culture, they could eventually become French. The famous Four Communes in Senegal can be seen as proof of this. And probably the only proof of the same. Here Africans were, in theory, afforded all the rights of French citizens. The French Assimilation concept was based on the idea of expanding French culture to the colonies outside of France in the 19th and 20th century. Natives of these colonies were considered French citizens as long as the culture and customs were adopted. This also meant they would have the rights and duties of French citizens. The French appeared to understand fully, even at an early stage, that assimilation of West Africans under tier control was not in the offing. Both the cost of implementing such a program and the tenacity of the indigenous populations prevented full-scale assimilation. Instead, the French sought to control the West African populations. By contrast, in the British colonies the approach was the opposite: they used local power holders rather than installing a whole new administration. Each system aimed to benefit the colonizers. The French were rather harsh in their administration and their attempts to increase their economic footholds, utilizing such means as forced labor and imprisonment to maintain and expand their interests. One of the most important aspects of the French colonization of West Africa was the requirement placed on the colony to pay its own way as a colony. The French administration sought to increase productivity and extract valuable resources. They fostered production of groundnuts and cotton where appropriate conditions were present and imposed taxation as a means of inducing participation in the cash economy. Where crops could not be grown, they encouraged migration to wage- earning areas. The French colonial encounter in West Africa was driven by commercial interests and, perhaps to a lesser degree, a civilizing mission. The political administration and the economic interests were fairly uniform throughout the colonial period. Little was done to improve the lives of West Africans, although attempts were made to provide minimal health and educational services. Whereas in the British areas of West Africa some portion of the economic gain accrued to an African middle class, no such dynami c occurred in the French context. Bibliography file:///C:/Users/hp/Documents/africa/List%20of%20French%20possessions%20and%20colonies%20-%20Wikipedia,%20the%20free%20encyclopedia.htm file:///C:/Users/hp/Documents/africa/French%20West%20Africa%20-%20Wikipedia,%20the%20free%20encyclopedia.htm file:///C:/Users/hp/Documents/africa/Scramble%20for%20Africa%20-%20Wikipedia,%20the%20free%20encyclopedia.htm -Shalmali Ghaisas

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Struggle in Bread Givers Essay -- Bread Givers Essays

The Struggle in Bread Givers  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Several changes have occurred since the 1920s in traditional family values and the family life. Research revealed several different findings among family values, the way things were done and are now done, and the different kinds of old and new world struggles. In Anzia Yezierska's Bread Givers, Sara and her father have different opinions of what the daughters' role should be. Sara believed that she should be able to choose what her life will be, because it is her life. She was assimilated to the new world in this sense. She felt that since she lived in America she should have the right to be free to chose her lifestyle and make it what she wanted. She believed that she should be able to keep some of her hard earned money for herself and that the father should get off his behind and work instead of reading the Torah all day long over and over. Her father believed that he should be able to chose what his daughters and wife did. He wanted them to work and give the money to the family. In the meantime he practiced the Torah. He felt that he should have all the good portions of the meal even though he did not work to provide the meal. This is an example of the new world VS. the old world. There is a definite generational tension over assimilati on, into America and expectations are different for the father from that of the women in the family. Sara's father also feels that he should get to pick the man that his daughters will marry. This is so old world, and Sara is not going to have it. She has watched her sisters who are so unhappy with the husbands that the father picked for them. Her father believes, "No girl can live without a father or a husband to look out for her," "It says in th... ... point of view the story of her life and her experiences. She does a wonderful job of depecting the struggles that she had with her father and the desire to become independent. This book shows us an in depth description of the life of an immigrant and their struggles to fit in and be like all the others. She works through the hard times and makes her life what she wants and fulfills her goal. Sara inspires us by showing us that if we work hard enough we can overcome anything and meet the goals of our life. Works Cited Cowan, Neil M. and Cowan, Ruth Schwartz, Our Parents' Lives. New York: New York Press, 1989. Kristeva, Julia, Strangers To Ourselves. New York: Addison-Wesley, 1991. Yerkes, Robert M., Book Review Digest: Reviews Of 1925 Books. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1926. Yezierska, Anzia, Bread Givers. New York: Persea Books, Inc., 1999.    The Struggle in Bread Givers Essay -- Bread Givers Essays The Struggle in Bread Givers  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Several changes have occurred since the 1920s in traditional family values and the family life. Research revealed several different findings among family values, the way things were done and are now done, and the different kinds of old and new world struggles. In Anzia Yezierska's Bread Givers, Sara and her father have different opinions of what the daughters' role should be. Sara believed that she should be able to choose what her life will be, because it is her life. She was assimilated to the new world in this sense. She felt that since she lived in America she should have the right to be free to chose her lifestyle and make it what she wanted. She believed that she should be able to keep some of her hard earned money for herself and that the father should get off his behind and work instead of reading the Torah all day long over and over. Her father believed that he should be able to chose what his daughters and wife did. He wanted them to work and give the money to the family. In the meantime he practiced the Torah. He felt that he should have all the good portions of the meal even though he did not work to provide the meal. This is an example of the new world VS. the old world. There is a definite generational tension over assimilati on, into America and expectations are different for the father from that of the women in the family. Sara's father also feels that he should get to pick the man that his daughters will marry. This is so old world, and Sara is not going to have it. She has watched her sisters who are so unhappy with the husbands that the father picked for them. Her father believes, "No girl can live without a father or a husband to look out for her," "It says in th... ... point of view the story of her life and her experiences. She does a wonderful job of depecting the struggles that she had with her father and the desire to become independent. This book shows us an in depth description of the life of an immigrant and their struggles to fit in and be like all the others. She works through the hard times and makes her life what she wants and fulfills her goal. Sara inspires us by showing us that if we work hard enough we can overcome anything and meet the goals of our life. Works Cited Cowan, Neil M. and Cowan, Ruth Schwartz, Our Parents' Lives. New York: New York Press, 1989. Kristeva, Julia, Strangers To Ourselves. New York: Addison-Wesley, 1991. Yerkes, Robert M., Book Review Digest: Reviews Of 1925 Books. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1926. Yezierska, Anzia, Bread Givers. New York: Persea Books, Inc., 1999.   

Thursday, October 24, 2019

There are many difference between Leaders and Managers

Q #1 : There are many difference between Leaders and Managers. Explain 5 Major differences with relevant examples. On a close look it can be seen that many managers are not leaders, though successful in their field. Leaders lead from the front and managers believe in directing controlling and planning and improving the efficiency of the organization. A manager makes the subordinates to work, a leader work with the people. Management philosophers and thinkers have been interested in identifying the difference between a manager and a leader. Some leaders show management skills and some mangers show leadership skills. It is now well established that there is difference between a manager and a leader. A leader leads from the front. His language will be like come let us do the work. On the other hand a manager believes in planning and coordinating the work. He uses management techniques to manage others. Followers voluntarily follow the leader. This may not be the case with managers. Subordinates is been asked to obey the instruction of the manager by virtue of his position. The subordinates may be obeying the manager on his leadership skills or may be just as it is part of their duty. It is also common the subordinates dislike the manager and still follows his action to save his or her job. A leader has his interest common to the followers. When the common interest is being identified, people voluntarily follow him. Rather than asking the people to work, a leader prefers to call them for work and they just follow the instructions of a leader. This important quality makes a big difference between the style of functioning of a manger and a leader. #1 Difference in working style There is a big difference in the working style of a manager. A leader attracts the people with the charisma he is having. He used to have an upper hand in technological knowledge than the workers. Leadership may not have any relevance with the functioning of the organization. On the other hand the management is different in its way of functioning. A manager keeps the organizational priority at his best. He has to do certain tasks as per the guidelines set by the organization. He then plans to achieve this by his people. Here the manager uses the modern management tools. He is interested in directing, planning and organizing. To make this effective he also uses modern management tools. A leader innovates and the manager administers. Leadership is setting up vision and Direction and management is implementation of this. A leader set his vision and the followers follow his vision almost voluntarily. He seldom needs force to attract towards him in execution of his direction and vision. On the other hand the manager executes the vision of the organization. On his journey towards this he will also be using leadership skills to effectively manage his people. A manger with leadership skills can effectively manage the organization. There should be a force attracting the followers or a subordinate to the person directs them. In case of leadership it is often the quality of the leader or his charisma that attracts the people to him. On the other hand the manager and the leader should be the two sides of the coin. Latest management trends show an inclination towards improving the leadership qualities of a manager. It is accepted that a manager should improve the output of the organization but it should be on the cost of the people working in the organization. #2 Directing Function The directing function of the manager is making people ready to perform certain task or assigning certain task to the people. This functional area of the manger has more to do with leadership. Once a task is to be performed, the concerned manager has to detail people or direct people to accomplish the task. This is mostly done in different ways by a manager and a leader. However both leader and a manager use the function of directing. Followers voluntarily work as per the direction where as manager needs to have something else for motivating the people to work. This may be different to different organization and also as per the management style it differs. Organizations have special structure and policies to motivate the people to work and managers are part of it. In the field of emergency medical services the directing function of the manager has a lot to do with routine jobs. Things are to be done at high pace and many times immediate decisions are to be taken. The chances of going these decisions wrong are high. In this scenario subordinates should be motivated and encouraged to take decisions at time of emergency. Also the manager should be able to provide directions without any delay. His competence as a leader is very important. A leader comes forward to take the responsibility of the actions of his followers. The followers also recognize this fact and there are more people willing to work under a leader under emergencies. This is what actually needed in an emergency service. At the same time the leader should be conversant with the procedures adopted in an emergency. A manager is a technical person and he is likely to be thorough in procedures and policies. Union of managerial qualities and leadership skills will be a good formula for emergency medical services. #3 Emotional Intelligence Leaders are emotionally more intelligent than ordinary managers. A manager wants to be successful should have high emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and control one’s emotions and to understand the emotions of others. People having high emotional intelligence tend to be leaders. According to Terry, â€Å"a leader shows the way by his example. He is not a pusher; he pulls rather than pushes (Terry R G, 1988). A typical manager does not follow this style. He plans and direct people to get the work done. There is set of duties and responsibilities for each person in the organization. A manager ensures this is been done. He uses his control function to see things are going as per the schedule. A manger often uses his control powers. In contrast a leader expects his subordinates to perform the way it is desired. For example if a staff is coming late to his duty. The typical manager may think of taking corrective action, where as a leader may be thinking to find out the reasons behind the late coming of the staff and may be willing to support that person. Similar actions make the follower emotionally attached to the leader and they keep the individual interest only next to the common goals In emergency medical service, emotional intelligence is a highly required quality of the person heading the operation. A leader who is empathetic and understands the emotions of others can do a lot in getting people involved in the service. A leader should avoid knee jerk reactions. It is already said emotional intelligence makes the difference in actions of a manager and a leader. A manager who is low in emotional intelligence may follow only the rule book and this kind of attitude may lead to poor quality service especially in emergency medical service. It is good to be knowledgeable but at the same time the managers should understand the need of being empathetic to the subordinates and the customers. 4 Functions of management Functions of management are Directing, Organizing, Planning, controlling and staffing. Professional managers are trained to perform these functions. Some people are on the view that Directing is the most important function of a manager. Many managers believe decision making is an important function of the manager. In the Emergency Medical Service Industry manager should be go od at decision making. He will have to make decisions in seconds. A manger is trained to have these qualities. In management schools Case studies are used to impart the skills of decision making. A leader has the quality of decision making and directing, a leader’s method of directing and decision making differ from that of a manager. Leaders decision are derived from that of his team members where as the managers decisions are learned decision and the decision the manger thinks to be good for the company. In respect to other function like controlling and planning a manger uses modern management tools. An ordinary leader may not know these tools for planning and controlling. Hence in these function a manger may have an upper hand in delivering the duties. But if the manager has leadership skills then he can really outperform an ordinary manager. All leading management institutes have special curriculum to sharpen the leadership skills of the managers. It is also said it is important to become a leader then become a manager by learning management tools. Management is ‘managing men’ and a leader is expected to do this function well. Leadership involves in common interest and goal. By this common interest and goal a leader can motivate people to attain common goals. Managers seek scientific methods to perform their task. Leaders are not interested in going for such tools and management techniques. They are good motivators. #5 Managers and Leaders Successful managers are efficient leaders. Bill Gate is a successful leader as well as a good manager. There are other examples too. Most successful managers are not MBA holders rather they are good leaders. On a close view it can be understood that it is important to become a leader first than becoming a manager. Story of successful managers in all fields underlines this factor. There are other differences in the styles of managers and leaders. A manager makes his decision and then sells his decision to his followers. Manger compares alternatives before making decisions. He asks his subordinates to question if they have any doubt. In case of a leader his decisions are more acceptable to the mass and that is the reason they follow the leader. Conclusion There is a difference between leadership and management. Managers are more concerned about planning, controlling, staffing and organizing. Leaders are more concerned about directing and organizing people. They act more as a representative of the followers. People follow leaders voluntarily than by virtue of their position. Leaders should have high emotional intelligence. In Emergency Medical Service leadership qualities are more sought after than mere management skills. Managers with good leadership skills can produce best result. Successful business people are good leaders as well as good manager. To be successful in the long run a manager should have leadership skills.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Strategies to Implement Sustainability Programs

Strategic Supply Chain Management: Individual Assignment Table of Contents Content Introduction What is Supply Chain Sustainability? Why is Supply Chain Sustainability important?Traditional supply chain vs sustainable supply chain Advantages of Supply Chain Sustainability Strategies to implement sustainability in supply chain process Step1: Access the current supply chain Step 2 Access Environment: Current, Potential, and Future Impact Factors Step 3: Evaluation: Identifying Potential Risks and Opportunities Step 4: Extend or Re-design the Supply Chain Strategy Step 5 & step 6: Implementation with the Sustainable Supply Chain Scorecard Conclusion References Page No 2 2 2 2 3 3 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 AHMG Kibria Page 1 Strategic Supply Chain Management:Individual Assignment Topic: Strategies to implement sustainability programs in the supply chain firms Introduction: Environmental issues are becoming the main concerns of many global supply chain practitioners in today’s world. In order to address these emerging environmental issues, businesses around the globe are looking for a total solution on the reduction of the waste generated from the current supply chain process. Meanwhile, implementation cost that is needed to implement these environmental issues plays a major part in their considerations in selecting an implementation strategy.Recent studies by Carter and Rogers (2008) emphasised that sustainable supply chain development in terms of social, economic, and environmental benefits should be taken into consideration in a supply chain practice. More specifically, supply chain management can be defined as the integration of the social, economic, and environmental practices within a global supply chain that provide green products, excellent services and accurate information sharing that beneficial to all employees, shareholders, business partners and the wider community.The intent of this research is to propose strategies to implement sustainability in supply cha in firms. There are many different strategies have been used by the supply chain firms. This report analysed six step process approaches to implement sustainability in the supply chain process. What is Supply Chain Sustainability? Supply chain sustainability is the management of environmental, social and economic impacts, and the encouragement of good governance practices, throughout the lifecycles of goods and services.The objective of supply chain sustainability is to create, protect and grow long-term environmental, social and economic value for all stakeholders (consumers, community, government, society, employees etc). Why is Supply Chain Sustainability important? There are many reasons why companies start a supply chain sustainability journey. Primary among them is to ensure compliance with laws and regulations and to support international principles for sustainable business conduct.In addition, companies are increasingly taking actions that result in better social, economic a nd environmental impacts because society expects this and because there are business benefits to doing so. By managing and seeking to improve environmental, social and economic performance and good governance throughout supply chains, companies act in their own interests, the interests of their stakeholders and the interests of society at large.According to Penfield (2009) Supply chain operations are fundamental to sustainability performance and supplying for sustainability is being touted in management circles as the future of competitive supply chains. Traditional supply chain vs sustainable supply chain Conventional supply chains are more interested in serving the purpose of logistics than optimization. On the other hand a focus on sustainability aims at creating and protecting value with reference to long-term social, environmental and economic components in bringing goods AHMG Kibria Page 2 Strategic Supply Chain Management:Individual Assignment and services to the market. The primacy of operations is to adequately meet current demands while making reserves for future generations. Linton et al (2007), indicates the focus of sustainable logistics is on optimization of resources along the entire production so that final production is of the highest value at the lowest cost. There is strategic optimization of resources, reduction of wastages, as well as utilization of supply by-products. In addition, it entails a focus beyond delivery to consumers, to other areas beyond the traditional scope of supply chain management.According to IBM report (2009) supply chain management in contemporary business practice faces five key challenges: cost containment, supply chain visibility, risk management, growing market demand and globalization impacts. Conventional chains only focused on delivering the end-products and, as such, suffered diminished returns owing to the growth in market and volatile consumers. On the other hand, supply chain sustainability seeks to not onl y deliver the utility, but also seeks to improve social, economic and environmental performance.As such, companies and supply chain managers deliver their own interests and those of the stakeholders and the society (Misra, et al. 2010). Advantages of Supply Chain Sustainability Social Advantage – Primary benefits are derived from positive environmental and social externalities that are enjoyed by both customers and companies’ stakeholders alike. For example Wal-Mart has implemented a program that successfully minimises the waste allocated to landfill within the USA (19. 1%), and increasingly China and Brazil (52%), which has the potential to prevent 11. million metric tons of CO2 emissions annually (Wal-Mart, 2012). Financial Advantage- Companies are realizing competitive benefits from investing in supply chain efficiency, Wal-Mart generated in excess of $231million in 2011 through a combination of increased recycling revenue and decreased expenses (Wal-Mart, 2012). En hanced supply chain security – Improvements in labour conditions has the compounded benefit of reducing employee induced work stoppages and can positively impact a company’s ability to continuously manufacture goods and services, increasing customer satisfaction and revenue.Increased competitiveness of suppliers – Buyers increasingly interprets suppliers’ good CSR performance as a sign of strong overall management, which affects other elements of supplier development, such as quality and on-time deliveries. In the long run, suppliers that work to continuously improve their environmental and social performance will gain better access to markets and clients (BSR Survey). Strategies to implement sustainability in supply chain process In order to develop strategies supply chain managers need to consider what a supply chain strategy is, link the strategy to the competitive strategy and sustainability.The following figure shows the three important elements in o rder to develop a successful sustainable supply chain. AHMG Kibria Page 3 Strategic Supply Chain Management: Individual Assignment Figure: Three areas to integrate sustainable supply chain Cetinkaya (2011) This report analyses an iterative six step process approach to implement sustainability in Supply chain firms. A systematic approach to strategy design and integration can help companies developing a sustainable supply chain to create a value proposition.This iterative six-step approach has to be seen as a cycle which should be executed regularly in your supply chain, since relevant conditions may change quite quickly and sometimes radically for example, the oil price spike of 2008. AHMG Kibria Page 4 Strategic Supply Chain Management: Individual Assignment Figure: Steps of a sustainable supply chain strategy Cetinkaya (2011) Step1: Access the current supply chain: Step 1 aims to take stock of the current state of company- and supply chain specific characteristics regarding strate gy, resources, and current and planned practices.It is mainly concerned with internal factors and considers elements which are usually within the control of a company. It seeks to discover whether there is a common strategic alignment, and whether the goals of each strategy element are integrated, aligned, and complementary. A company’s own supply chain strategy which is not aligned to the corporate and cross-company supply chain strategy cannot be sustainable. Potential short- and long-term goal conflicts can rapidly become serious barriers to implementing a sustainable supply chain along its members; especially if the supply chain is required to adapt quickly to change.The analysis also shows if top management commitment is given within the individual companies and the supply chain. In summary the findings from this step are: ? ? ? ? The existing corporate and competitive strategies The sustainability strategies (if sustainability is not already part of the corporate strate gy) The company-specific supply chain strategies, and finally The cross-company supply chain and collaboration strategy Cetinkaya (2011). AHMG Kibria Page 5 Strategic Supply Chain Management: Individual AssignmentStep 2 Access Environment: Current, Potential, and Future Impact Factors The second step of this process deals primarily with what is changing in the business environment, what kind of scenarios your company will face in the medium and long term, and finally, what the main driver of change may be. This will lead, together with the analysis from step 1, to the definition of potential risks and opportunities for your supply chain strategy in step 3. Supply chain input resources such as fuel, energy, and natural resources nowadays deserve close attention in supply chain management logistics.The trend of rising prices and increasing scarcity make input resources major risk management factors in an economic perspective, especially when a company runs cost- and energy-sensitive s upply chains. Understanding and forecasting input resource-related information helps in developing a sustainable supply chain strategy Cetinkaya (2011). Step 3: Evaluation: Identifying Potential Risks and Opportunities: After analysing first two steps of this process it is easier to identify potential risks and opportunities to implements sustainability in supply chain process.Supply chain firms can use framework to access supply chain capabilities in the context of the scenarios identified in the step2. The assessment then serves to determine supply chain specific Threat-OpportunityProfile. Companies need to understand the cause-and-effect relationships between potential success factors to undertake evaluation. For example, companies should be able to estimate that the regionalization of procurement structures in response to an oil price increase would be likely to reduce transport costs Cetinkaya (2011).Step 4: Extend or Re-design the Supply Chain Strategy Based on the Threat-Oppo rtunity-Profile, now it is possible to define strategic gaps on the route to a sustainable supply chain; gaps between current supply chain strategy and the changing business environment. The greater and more relevant the potential risks and opportunities, the larger will be the gaps, and the greater the need to act and make strategy changes. At this stage the following strategic programs can be distinguished: 1. Compliance- to obtain the benefit and competitive value of reducing and managing risk. 2.Process-Re-engineering- to obtain the benefit and competitive value of improving productivity and efficiency and in consequence, of reduced supply chain costs, increased resource productivity, and reduced environmental impacts. 3. Restructuring- to obtain the benefit and competitive value of the long term and fundamental improvement of effectiveness and early prevention of risk. 4. Innovation- to obtain the benefit and competitive value of differentiation. 5. Progression- to obtain the b enefit of first mover advantage, and establishing market entry barriers Cetinkaya (2011).AHMG Kibria Page 6 Strategic Supply Chain Management: Individual Assignment Step 5 & step 6: Implementation with the Sustainable Supply Chain Scorecard: After completing step1 to step4 companies must be able to develop appropriate scope of strategic vision and determine the right actions to align supply chain strategy to the changing business environment. These findings have been incorporated into the reformulation or redesign of existing supply chain strategy and the associated objectives. Now, the following step will show how to implement them.This research analyses â€Å"Balanced Scorecard† developed by Kaplan and Norton from 1990 in order to show implementation of findings from stage1 to stage4. Figure: The Kaplan/Norton Balanced Scorecard Cetinkaya (2011) The Balanced Scorecard is a (performance) management system providing a framework to translate a strategy into balanced operationa l terms via objectives and measures, organised into four different perspectives: financial, customer, internal business process, and learning and growth. The measures represent a balance ?Between external measures for shareholders and customers, and internal measures of critical business processes, innovation , and learning and growth. ? Between the outcome measures – the result from past efforts- and the measures that drive future performance, and ? Between objectives, easily quantified outcome measures and subjective, somewhat judgmental, performance drivers of the outcome measures. Scorecard: the financial perspective: Assess social and ecologic activities accurately from the economic point of view.Scorecard: the sustainability perspective: Link financial figures with customer needs. Extend this link by the environmental and social perspective. AHMG Kibria Page 7 Strategic Supply Chain Management: Individual Assignment Scorecard: the supply chain perspective: Incorporate t actical and strategic decisions along the end-to-end supply chain. Collaborate with your sales and product development departments and partners Cetinkaya (2011). Scorecard: The learning and growth perspective: Drive supply chain wide learning.So, after analysing Balance Scorecard it has seen that supply chain companies will be able to implement their strategy and also evaluate their strategy. Conclusion This research paper described the importance of sustainability in supply chain process. It also showed the differences between traditional supply chain and sustainable supply chain, the advantages of having sustainability in supply chain process. Most importantly this research analysed the strategy to implement sustainability.In order to do that it showed a six step process which is: step1: access the current supply chain, step2: access environment: current, potential, and future impact factors, step3: evaluation: identifying potential risks and opportunities, step4: extend or re-des ign the supply chain Strategy, step 5 & step 6: how to implement strategies with the sustainable supply chain scorecard which shows the financial, sustainable, supply chain and learning & growth perspective. Supply chain companies will be able to implement sustainability in their process by following these six step-by-step processes. AHMG Kibria Page 8Strategic Supply Chain Management: Individual Assignment References: ? BSR20, Maximizing Benefits From a Sustainable Supply Chain, BSR, March, 2011, viewed 28 September 2012, http://www. bsr. org/reports/BSR_Maximizing_Benefits_From_A_Sustainable_Supply_Chain. p df Carter, C. R. and Rogers, D. S. â€Å"A framework of sustainable supply chain management: moving towards new theory,† International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, vol. 38, pp. 360-387, 2008. Cetinkaya, B. , 2011, 1st edn, Developing a Sustainable Supply Chain Strategy’, Sustainable Supply Chain Management, viewed at 13/11/12. http:// www. pringer. com/business+%26+management/production/book/978-3-642-12022-0 IBM, 2009. The smarter supply chain of the future: Global chief supply chain officer study, New York: IBM Global Services. Linton, J. , Klassen, R. & Jayaraman, V. , 2006. ‘Sustainable supply chains: An introduction’, Journal of operations management, Kaplan RS, Norton DP (1996): The balanced scorecard: translating strategy into action. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press Misra, V. , Khan, M. & Singh, U. , 2010, ‘Supply chain management systems: Architecture, design and vision’, Journal of strategic innovation and sustainability, vol. , no. 4, pp. 102108. Penfield, P. 2009, Seven Steps to Implementing a Sustainable Supply Chain, Syracuse University, Charlotte. Sisco, C. , Chorn, B. , Jorgensen, P. , 2010, Supply Chain Sustainability- A Practical Guide for Continuous Improvement, UN Global Compact Office and Business for Social Responsibility, viewed at 12/11/12 http://www. u nglobalcompact. org/docs/issues_doc/supply_chain/SupplyChainRep_spread. pdf Walmart Boyend 50 years: Building a sustainable future, Walmart, viewed 27/09/12 http://www. walmartstores. com/sites/responsibility-report/2012/ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? AHMG Kibria Page 9